Saturday, October 10, 2009

Just in time

Was cleaning my bike, realized it looked quite good, so I took a pic. It's not a recent pic though, this was a pic taken quite a while back. But anyway, time to spread the good news.

Changed the pads on my roadie, now it's very very very very very very responsive. But no idea what's the clear advantage, since I hardly use the brakes anyway. And if I need to slam it very hard, I honestly believe it would be the last time I would be slamming the brakes.

Anyway, next good news. The hybrid came in just in time! WooHoo!
There it is. Fully set-up, and tuned, almost ready to hit the road. Just missing the pedals. Gears are all clicking with speed and precision.. ^^V

Dual Control Levers. 2006 model. A real hassle when you have to change the derailleur cable. In 2006, they haven't considered the 'user-friendly-ness' level of a product. You had to remove part of the casing just to access the cables. Newer models have holes in which the cable would just slot itself in and out. But heyy, I'm happy!

There is a serious problem with the frame. If you notice carefully, the rear brakes is below the seat stay. But oh well, it can't be helped. A few millimeters of miscalculation could be very costly. Because the rear brakes are reversed, the rear derailleur cable and the rear brake cable are almost crossing one another. But again, oh well, can't be helped.

So aniwae, yes, that was what I was doing for the week. Same thing uh actually. Wake up in the morning, go to work, come home, set-up the bike and be in bed by 11pm.

"...with speed and precision.."

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