Monday, October 5, 2009

To Halim

THANK YOU. Thank you for today at ITP. Although Mdm Teoh was our Liason Officer you picked up the call the moment it rang. THANK YOU.

I guess I was wrong about everything. I'm sorry. You were right. ABOUT EVERYTHING.

This world is not what I pictured it to be. A hell lot of shit happened man, and a hell lot of things to think about.

First, my presentation board was copied. Perfect, I was trying to help someone by lending him my laptop and great. I get what I deserved.

Next, I was literally screwed during a competition while other people seem to have life easy. I'm not letting this one go. How heartless must you be to NOT GIVE ME A BREAK!? Seriously dude, I was fasting, I'm dehydrated, I'm tired from riding. You're one fuck-ed up guy

Third, I'm always shutting up when the team gets scolded. So when one guy fucks it all up, we all get blamed. Oh well, it's absorbed. You have no idea how patient I am to be this calm when you scolded me, and when I was getting scolded because of you. Trust me, you have no idea.

Fourth, crashed my mountain bike for good. Zebra Crossing at Ayer Rajah food centre. I looked right and raised my hand up to warn and incoming car that I was crossing. I looked left and a motorcyled honk-ed as it sped by. I swerved my bike, no hands on any brake lever, the pedal got clipped on the central curb. The bottom bracket's gone and worse, the frame's dent. Stupid mistake. My feet took part of the damage, but the pain is wearing out.

Fifth, nearly got fired. How dumb must you be to SLEEP during working hours?! Come on. So here it is, THANK YOU again Halim. And ZS was really brave to speak up, I was just dumbfounded and muted during the conversation with the director.

(This one not for Halim)
Finally. I really really miss you! Life seems so different. Maybe I've been through worse but you were always there. Now that you're gone, I'm really feeling the pressure. I just want you here, with me.

So, to sum up. a very big THANK YOU to Halim and Mdm Teoh for saving us today. I'm really grateful. Maybe I will fail to express it, but I just want you to know that I'm thankful.

Thank you.


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