Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Well, if you're happy with it.

Ok, school has started, and my blog has died.

But no, again, I'm a man of my words. My blog is not going to go down just because I fail to manage my time.

So, anyway, full recovery from the crash. Got my legs and hands back. And yeap, scratches are healing up nicely.

School? Is just fucked up. What's wrong with me? Too much expectations? I don't think so. I'm just disliking the bo-chap attitude, the fuck-care-ness going around. Are you guys retarded?! This is the fucking third year. Maybe I should welcome you guys to life, welcome to Singapore, I'm sorry, a 3.5 GPA is not going to get you anywhere, good bye.

So start working la idiot. I realise, even if I put in a hell lot of effort, and manage to get a 4.0 this year, it will only average to a final cumulative GPA of 3.6... And if I put it effort, and hopefully get 3.5, I'll still remain at 3.5.

So why bother rite? Because if by the slightest chance that I get picked for an interview, by that slight hope I do get pick, I can utilize my bullshit skills.

"Yes sir, I know my first and second year were not spectacular, but it was only during my third year that I've realised the value of education, and so, I hit the ground running. It shows just how much improvement a simple change of mindset can make. I would strongly urge you to B E L I E V E in me."

And yes, I'm not going to let anyone jeopardize my chances. So yes, don't try me. You guys may not be pushing for anything, but trust me, I am. So yes, I hate UNNECESSARY screw ups, I hate late work, I hate excuses, because you guys don't fucking understand.

Honestly, my current group. They're just handling ONE project. And let me put that into perspective, I'm handling the same project, my diploma plus, the green sparks competition and the green wave competition, which has three separate projects. So that's ONE for them, and SIX for me. And let's be honest here, I still want to take up more competitions, I need the exposure.

So, if you guys fucking hell understand, then I won't be left waiting for work, and I won't be left RE-DOING the shit work that you couldn't be bothered to do.

And the competition group is not smooth sailing either. Submission is next month, and they're treating it like some fucking joke. Fucked up. I'm there sacrificing my time trying to pull the whole team through, and there we have faggots who can't remember the task they're suppose to do.

I'm not the most available guy on earth either. It sucks when you have to PLAN a time to go out with your friends... Yes, it sucks having to write their names down in my organiser, yes it sucks when I have to say no to them, yes it sucks when you're not in touch with them, yes it sucks when you're desperately squeezing in lunch and dinners with them.

Don't understand what I'm saying? Here's an example, this week. I'm taking my girl out for dinner today, I'm going out with poly classmates on Thursday, Friday is for my secondary school friends and Saturday for my primary school classmates.

So it fucking sucks when my time has to be planned for friends. It's just stupid. And it's even more stupid to see some people breaking my plan just because they have to spend time they don't have to impress people they don't like.

Yes, I'm being serious, the archi class have never bonded, stop fooling yourself into thinking it ever will.

And stop giving me excuses, start giving me results. Yes, I would love to listen and understand your situation, but hello, my life is not a fucking fairytale either. So shut up, because I can assure you, my problems, EXCLUDING academic problems can overshadow your piece of shit nonsense in which you call a reason.

YES. I've been faking a smile. I'm NOT happy to see you. STOP pretending to be my friend.

Meanwhile, on the lighter side, thank you to all my other "TRUE/ACTUAL" friends who have patiently waited and given me time to sort out my problems before attending to yours. Really appreciated guys. You guys never actually know how much, "Sorry for troubling you", "Hey, had a great dinner", "It's ok, I can wait", "I shan't disturb you then", "Thank you", "Yea, I'll be happy to come down to Mr Prata just for you"... Yea, you guys never actually know how much happier you guys make me feel just by saying that. Makes me feel so, appreciated. :)

There's so much more I can talk about, but it's useless to talk about people that don't matter, why don't I just hang out with people who do... So yea, PLEASE, take this post PERSONALLY, you guys are fucked up. (not you Slut).

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