Saturday, January 30, 2010

How does it look?

Man. I went to school on Thursday to finalize my boards and our favorite lecturer (the blur one) insisted on another 3D model. I hate 3D, but since he insisted, I found myself back at home, doing the same thing.

Only in architecture you get to...

- See your girlfriends' face more often on the MSN display pic then you do in real life. (unless u're julio and fun. But tt's just not fair)

- Sleep with more guys then girls

- Get so caught up in work that you cycle to school with a flat tire. (because you're only thinking of what to do when you reach school)

- See the inside of the studio more often then you see the inside of your room.

-Use two laptops to render out your boards and 3D.

- Learn to sleep at any position feasible on the chair.

- Understand the word 'stress'.

- Right click on your mouse, stare at the layers, before finally finding it 10mins later.

- Realize your non-architectural friends are faggots. Oh wait, that's just Leslie. V ^^ V

- Fit a few poker games whilst waiting for the render.

- Win something during that poker game. Oh wait. I won EVERYTHING!
(Damn, now what do I do with all that fake money?)

- Realize all your efforts will go down the drain once Mdm Chan comment.

- Start appreciating sleep.

- Start to hate 5th Feb for some reason.

- Realize at this rate, you'll most probably die. So might as well kill yourself now.

- One small error realized at a late stage and you have to trace it back to your CAD. Which then you have to re-import your EPS/PDF. Then readjust your toning/coluring. Then smile that you're done, and find another error.

- Realize you're running out of time and an error of 10cm hopefully won't get notice.

- Curse and swear you got the morning crit slot.

- Complete your boards. Step back. And smile.

- Breathe

- And do it all over again

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Premature Celebration

Alright! I've finally finished the boards, just need to head down to school later to seek some clarifications and then set the boards up for print, and then I can have my laptop back to normal! Instead of the current high performance low graphics mode.

So, what did I do to prematurely celebrate?
Killed 2 cockroaches for a start. Damn. These things are all over the place! Seriously, I saw one outside my house, and I desperately tried to run over it with my bicycle tyre. But it missed. WHERE ARE THEY COMING FROM!? ish.
After that, cycled out, saw a police car at the gas station. And basically, that was it. Went out with Nigel by the way, and he had an ambitious idea to cycle to the barrage. But where did we end up?
West Coast Park. Macdonalds. As they saying goes. Ambitious, but rubbish. However, after much persuasion, we got a move on things. And ended up at Raffles City, where, I saw this!
A messenger bike! Just look at those bars! And the wheels are so, retro. By the way, got a once in a lifenight shot.
At esplanade bridge. And another once in a lifenight shot at LaSalle.
And then. Cycled UP Bukit Timah road at a constant 25km/h (not 27km/h!) before finally stopping for a rest at a 7-11.
Right. Great night then. Bike's still outside, in the cold.
By the way, David! Who's Tina?!

Ahaha, joking. We saw that at BPP. As you can see, somehow, Joel's face is in the shot, at the bottom right corner. Rite, I'll go have breakfast then. Good luck with work guys!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I finally slept.

Yes. I finally fell asleep at 7am. And basketball was to start at 9am. Wynn called me and said that he would be arriving in 10 mins, but I just couldn't take it and went right back into bed. Which finally, at 10plus.. ish.. I woke up. Got straight on my bike and rode to the court. Yea, played awhile. Forced to sit down and eat non-halal food again. (thanks wynn, thanks les. U guys are TRUE FRIENDS.)

Then went home. Watched 'Miracle' (2004). Aw man, that is an inspirational movie.
Well, it's basically about how hard the US Ice Hockey team trained. And yea, some great quotes from the movie.

'You think you can win on talent alone?... Gentlemen, you don't have enough talent to win on talent alone'

'Great moments are born from great opportunities'

'If we play them 10 times, they might win 9. But not this game. Not tonight'

Right. After that inspirational moment. I went over to Wynn's house in that faint hope that he could help me with my accounting tutorial. And he was as good as Leslie. USELESS. If any of us actually become accountants, I would just shoot my head off.

Wait wait wait!

Are you serious!?!

That. Is. Being Sold. As. A car.

Yes! Im serious. The Renault Kangoo. With Five seats. Man. Arn't we getting creative.

Heheheh, guess what car I found! Top gear reviews.

Comfort :

Although the Savvy could ride worse for a cheap Malaysian hatch it's really let down by a thrashy 1.3-litre engine that fills the cabin with the most horrendous din at mid to high revs.

Performance :

A claimed top speed of 99mph is moot. You'd need to have nerves of steel or an unlimited supply of Mogodon to get there. And it'd help to be stone deaf.

Cool :

It's a toss up between Perodua and Proton as to which is the least cool car brand in the world. Either way you're on a hiding to nothing with the Savvy. Silly name, even sillier looks.

Quality :

The Savvy is budget even by Proton's standards, and the terrible mish-mash of design ideas and cheap plastics is flung together without much though. The steering wheel, for instance, is so crudely moulded that it actually hurts to hold for any length of time.

I think. That's enough about that car. But man. That was rude. 'Budget even by Proton's standard'. Can you imagine if they review brands like Cherry?

A Proper Post?

Right. It's five A.M. on a sunday morning. And HEY!! Guess what. I'm awake! WHY!?! Cause I can't bloody hell sleep!

I woke up at 9 on Sat. (finally got a chance to sleep in). Went about the usual business. Came back, did work again, and now I find myself on the bed, laptop on my lap typing this post. Right, anyway, apologies for posting up my boards? I think? Don't really get David's comment on the Cbox >

But yea, that was what I was doing up all week round. Kinda wanted to share it around. It's kinda tiring day in and day out staring at the screen, so just thought of sharing the final product. Yea, I assume you might have taken it as arrogance. Yea, just wanted to let you hear my side.

Going to play basketball in a few hours. Man, this is not good. Why am I not sleepy?! I NEED TO SLEEP! Great. Les is going to be arrogant as usual. Like what is up with him man? Half the guys I know can just smash his face right then and there, but oh well, at least he's happy at something. But his arrogance is really starting to piss me off.

Or maybe I'm just to easily pissed off right now. Academic life seems on track, but everything else has derailed. Urgh. When am I going to get that dance. 5th Feb suddenly seems like a long time after the images of what I'm going to do after submission races through my mind.

So what am I going to do after submission? Well. If I can complete everything and submission goes smoothly... I'm going to break out the roadie and ride it fast and hard. After that I'll steal Wynn's soccer ball and play till my lungs run dry. Which after that, I'll go out and eat. And then, finally, I'll go unwind at West Coast with my favourite girl. Then of course study for the upcoming GEMs exam and some interview.

OUH! Damn. cnt find my certs! I should have left it with my mum. But no. I had to act responsible and keep it. Great. Where did I put it?! Should be the same place as my passport. Which is nowhere insight....

Yea. Hopefully I can clear up all misunderstandings with everyone. That would include Ian, David, Maurice and other people who I might have screamed at or ignored in the course of the New Year...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why. Won't. It. Work!

What the hell man. My 3D software is lagging. It's a serious problem. And, it's starting to piss me off. Means I can't finish my 3D over the weekends, and I'm not sure about the structural plan and the ES board isn't even out in a draft format.

urgh. It's looking a bit funny right now, with the details in. Maybe I should push the details to the edge as well?

But anyway, some great quotes from some great faggots.

"Out of Range" ~ Lin Jia Hong
"Fake friends would help you, to get in your good books" ~nelG
" V ^^ V, 5 marks.. " ~ Slut

Yea, our friendship is really based on lies and numbers. But somehow, right now, it's based on blackmail as well.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Damn I'm tired

Yeap, it's 3.14 in the morning and I have finally completed the 3d board. So, current progress..,

Rite, the huge number 1, 2 and 3 is to remind me how many more boards I have to do. But, oh man. You have no idea how it felt went the boards came together and I finally get to step back, away from the laptop and take a good look at the board.

Man, I need some sleep. Then wake up to do work. Again.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Meet Me Halfway

Alright. Half way there!

Four boards and my pathetic excuse of a 3d render is done.

Yea. Still up for fixing the moment all 8 boards are ready.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Maybe they lied. Part 2.

Iluma. What a building huh? Designed by the ever so mighty WoHa Architects. But oh wait! Wad's this?

Aw man, poor planning. Just look at the amount of litter to the inaccessible place.

It's all over the place. So yea, in school, we strive hard, countless hours invested into the thought process and yet, would you just look at that. Just look at it.
Ouch. What about that for a fire escape staircase.
And honestly, that's a funny place for a pipe.

So yes. Maybe they lied. Maybe there is no such desire too strive for perfection in an economic ruled world. The doors of the building, my god they're heavy. Yeap, this is what happens when you judge a book by it's cover. There is no denying the beauty of the building when you're outside, but inside, be prepared for an unpleasant surprise.

But then again. I am being over critical with the building. Afterall, the imperfections shown in the pictures above are found at places which might never be accessed by the public. So what do I like about Iluma?

That grand escalator that takes you all the way up to the fourth floor. Yes, definitely more thought could be spent on the journey and the spatial experience up, but oh my, what an idea. What a way to control the human flow. Bringing us up, pass the huge atrium space and straight to dining areas, where we begin to descend to the shops and finally back down to the first storey.

The sleekness of the lights on the elevators. It glows red when you're going down and green when you're going up. Neat. But you haven't seen everything yet.

The panels in the lift. Set to match the panels around the building. Shows it wasn't just any cut and paste job.

But what really takes me aback about Iluma? This...
They have actually managed to create a garden, on the roof of a building, in the middle of Bugis.

Yea, big deal? So what? The National Library has those as well.

But hey, I'm quite sure this wasn't easy to do, and no it doesn't feel as impressive as Vivo's sky deck, but I'm applauding them for the effort.

By the way, anybody wants to visit this place with me? Preferably a girl..

Ouh, and check out my new tires.
Weird though. Inflate to 105 PSI. They didn't give a range, like 100~110 PSI. They specifically said 105PSI. Like how on earth am I going to be that accurate with a hand pump!?

Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm a happy man


Yes uh, finished the elevation.

So, on the finished list, there is, the section, site plan, location plan, and floor plans!. And guess what! That's already FOUR BOARDS!!! ^^V!!!!!!!!

Going to start on 3d soon. Need to render out all 3 exterior shots by Friday. Then straight to details and interior. After that, the boards will come together, I'll give myself two days for that. And after that. The two physical models. And then sending the boards for printing. And then... THAT'S IT!

Year 2 Architecture. Is over!

Which then, I will start training my upper body. Aiming to have a body like that Taylor guy from twilight. Then I won't mind stripping my shirt every 2 seconds. ^^V

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Reason VS Excuses

Wah, damn tired. Woke up for school as usual on Friday, finished colouring the site plan, as planned, but realised a fatal error in the board planning. But oh well, later problem worry later luhh.

After that went to play soccer. Which sucked. How come there's always not enough people to play soccer. Oh well.

Night cycling was up next.

There were quite a lot of riders, instead of the eighteen expected. The ride was fast man, we're doing 30km/h at Lim Chu Kang, and the cruising speed was around 28km/h. Which is good, judging by the creepy route we had to take.

The park connector from CCK way to Bukit Panjang was freaking smooth man. But I think that was the only memorable part.

So anyway. Saturday. got $450!!!! Weehee! So we can either spent it on a spa and massage or we can have 45 McSpicy meals! You know where's my vote. ^^V. Haiz, but I need to buy boots, a bag, an amp, so on and so forth... unlimited wants but limited resources.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Maybe they lied

As you can see from the picture above, it clearly states that the toilet bowl belongs OUTSIDE the unit. So maybe everything they are teaching us in school was a lie. Ahahahah. No luhh.

Right, anyway. Back to work.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Accounting Test Later

Yeap, I got an accounting test later. Hopefully would just scrape the passing marks for this test. Urgh, it's not difficult. It's just long, and to me, seems utterly pointless.
Alright, I have Wynn's textbook, Leslie's notes, my lecture notes and Vivian's tutorial. AND IM STILL HAVING PROBLEMS! What the hell! But of course, Wynn's text book wasn't much of a help and Leslie's sorry excuse for notes made me even more confused.

So how was my holidays? Sucked. The people who are grinning while reading that line will know why. Yes. I am looking forward to the end of year holidays!! Which, should be, somewhere in Feb, I think.

Ouh! Saw a fixie in school.

So, aniwae, it's been like what, 2 weeks since school started. Can't say I'm enjoying it but trust me. IT IS A LOT BETTER THEN MY HOLIDAYS, SPENT WITH SOME FUCKED UP RETARD. At least now I'm doing something. Like this, just finished a drawing..

Playing soccer also. Ouh! Yesterday just played. AW MAN. What the hell was I thinking. I was ONE on ONE with the keeper. The whole right side was OPEN. But I just had to try and place the ball in between the keeper's wide open legs. AND IT DIDN'T WORK! It went a wee bit too high and was deflected by organs that are not usually associated with any sport. Nevermind, next week shall get my soccer boots, and hopefully I'll have more grip on the field, and can turn a lot faster.

And Clementi is becoming a construction yard man. Cycling to school is getting crazy. Lift upgrading projects and new car parks is constraining the pathway. Which is irritating.

Yes, quite pissed off with a few people here and there, but it's ok. They are retards. ^^V.

Argh, 5th Feb is the dateline for the final submission of Year 2 archi! After that, is Chinese New Year! Not that I'm directly affected, but still, something to look forward to.

Talking about things to look forward to, I'm really looking forward to someone crashing his Toyota Wish, preferably at 110km/h or more into a concrete barrier. Looking forward to meeting a few people as well. Errr, other then that, not really looking forward to anything else.. Yea.

Suddenly got the urge to play badminton. But somehow, I have the feeling that once I step out of my house, I'll just head to macs and eat.

And my MP3, urgh! It's spoiled. The battery last for like 15mins! Thankfully, 15 mins is more then enough time for me to get to school. So once I'm in school, I charge it for another 15 mins home. But still, I would appreciate if the battery could last a wee bit longer.

Haiz, like nothing else to talk about already. Maybe I should study for the test... But yea, as if that will ever happen.
