Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hello Marina!

YES. I'm excited. (:

Really want to share this, I finished coloring my plans, sections and elevations for JC3. Why is that such a big deal? BECAUSE, that's it. After JC3, it's the END of semester one!

AND! I can't seem to upload the pics, but if you do want to see it, remember to come down for my crit. LOL.

Moving on. Ahem, of course, as usual, I had a mini celebration, got on my bike, and cycled to my heart's content.
Alright, the bikes. That's KT's Carbon Fibre SCOTT Road Bike on the right, my GIANT Yukon Disc in the centre and Mr Ng's full sus WHEELER. Our first stop was a gas station on Dunearn Road, we discussed the route and then proceeded towards the Marina Barrage.
The view from my bike. Of course in the real world we were drafting a lot closer, but I had to put some distance when taking the picture in the event something happens.
That SCOTT really makes a superb sound. And I was more then happy to sit behind it at 35km/h.
And soon of course, we have reached our destination. The Marina Barrage. To be honest, I was just a tad bit disappointed, I was really expecting some utopia up there, but it wasn't. The view from the barrage however, compensated for the disappointment it caused.
Yup. What a view from the barrage at 2.27am in the morning. It was quite lively up there, with people flying kites and couples taking full advantage of the dim setting of that place. Next, we speared down towards Marina Bay Sands, and oh my, was it majestic.
That, would be Mr Ng on the full sus WHEELER heading right for the Sands. I think I should just stop typing and let the pictures do all the elaborating.

What a place right? View's great, it's clean and I was out there with a perfect ride. Sometimes I can't wait to grow up and bring my family down to places like this and just enjoy our city state. Really.

Anyway, on a final note. KT is dead. He tried riding my GIANT down a flight of steps, and, it didn't end so well.
Yup, that's him, dead, lying on the ground. And my bike obviously tried it's best to prevent that accident. I think I'll just leave him there and that, would conclude this post. (:

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