Monday, August 17, 2009

How well do you know me?

Have you always wondered which friend true-ly care? And have you ever wondered who are just there? Well I have, so here's a series of questions about me. See how many you can ACTUALLY answer.

My Favorite Colour? : _ _ _ _

My Favorite Drink? : _ _ _ _ _ _ _

My Favorite Dish : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

My Favorite Sport : _ _ _ _ _ _

Those are the questions that you should be able to answer if you spend time observing me.

My Favorite Band : _ _ _ _ _

My Favorite Song : _ _ _ _ _ _

My Favorite EPL Player : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

My Favourite Plane : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-_ _ _

My Favourite Jet : _/_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

It's getting harder isn't it? If you can't answer those question I really don't know why you bother talking to me.

My Neighborhood : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

My Storey : _ _

That's a giveaway for those who came to my house before. Alright, the final question, if you can answer this, means you're either my girlfriend or you're my best friend.

My Surname : _ _ _

(Yes, I have a surname. I'm part Chinese actually, but not to confuse you guys I like to just say that I'm malay.)

So, do you really think you know me?

(P.S. Blogger has some problems with the spacing. But oh well. Some are actually 2 words)

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