Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Loss

Someone once told me that it would be 'my loss' if I didn't cycle with him. Well, I'm very sure some people have heard my comments on that, but you know. Just to rub salt in the wound, let's see who is really on the losing end.

That, was a cute sign I saw stuck on the rear of a car. The diagram however, is just wrong. It looks like the seat stay is poking in the cyclist arse and the cyclist seems to be holding on to the rims. But hey, whatever, it's cute.

So aniwae. Today, the plan, go butterfly, gangsa, scorpion, woodcutter and finally BT. Ambitious, but rubbish. I thought today go BT onli, I kena scammed. The day started out freaking cool. We had a convoy of vehicles carrying a convoy of bikes.

We went straight into butterfly after all the bikes were set-up proper. For the first part in, I was stuck behind this guy, on a Giant FS bike. Wahhh, he damn sibei slow until I sibei tired. Ok luhh slow, buh on butterfly trying to go slow on my bike, is torture. My bike is freaking heavy, so if no momentum, nid a lot of power to roll over stuff. Which was what happened luhh. But finally! He gave way, and I caught up with the leader, just to be overtaken by Ian, who then decided to speed down with the leader leaving me and lionel to lead one another. Wah, and Lionel scared the shit out of me also. On one of the turns, his extremely thick tire surprisingly lost traction, so he stopped and I was speeding behind, so I slammed my brakes, but another guy was speeding behind me! Lucky that guy went around both of us.

After that grandmother story, we reach the halfway point.

Nice sia. All the bikes lined up. Makes my bike look a lot better than it actually is! Anyway, the light blue bike is Lionels. Swee sia. And the red one is mine, for those of you who dunnoe.
The trails by the way. Freaking dirty. My V-Brakes had a hell of a time trying to clear mud off the rims. However, I think, the most interesting part of today's ride was Ian's crash. Wah, really had me stunned. But he's ok.
Yea, that's him. On my bike. His injuries was quite serious actually, he had problems walking out, so he kind of just rolled out with my bike. Since it's working. And really, this is not some joke crash.

That's a CARBON FIBER handle bar, and it's CRACKED. So just imagine the impact. But oh well, that's life shit happens. Having great fun at the trails every single time but it's really very taxing on the bike. So I don't know, remind me again how it is my loss?

Aniwae, Ian went to the hospital and got checked out. But his bike, that's another story. I was cleaning his bike luhh.
It was freaking dirty man. I think there was mud stuck there since 1985!
Aniwae, I cleaned his frame and D's, the tires were really gone case. Too much mud on it man. Just wait for it to dry off and then let it fall out or something. But aniwae, to Ian. 'TAKE CARE'.

Wah, my bike however, haiz, a hell lot more mud. The only parts I had motivation to clean was the drivetrain, the rims, and the brakes. And that's it. Everything else was just covered. Buh, it looks nicer that way. I think.

So yea. That's bascially what happened today. And nope, doesn't feel like a loss to me.

"...damn sibei slow until I sibei tired"


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Wooo! Finally had another go at BT. Ahaha, went slow on the downhill that killed my D that time around, and yea, came out fine. Was with my classmate, well, to say the least, he was very 'daring'.. The sound of him CHARGING down the hill is unforgetable. But still, had a good time, could have more fun if we were really attacking every single hill.

Still feel like going again though, I'm still getting owned by some small hills. What a disgrace man, a 68kg guy, on a mountain bike getting own-ed by some 100 year old HUMP. Urgh.

My relatives from Malaysia, about time they came down, and what a shock I got. I never imagined them like that. Met most of my relatives also, and yea, I know, I grown slimmer right? Thanks!

Work, is damn boring. I mean, seriously. We've given so much time to do some simple stuff. Wah, where's the challenge. It's getting damn boring man.

Wah, the Sunday going KR. Dunnoe if I actually invited or not. Buh argh! I want to stay out late sat nite! Buh nvm, really want to go KR also. As usual, see how lor..

Anything else to say? Oh ya!


It's an advice to some people, I mean, seriously, don't ever ever challenge someone with a hell lot more experience. It NEVER ends well. Seriously, the people with more experience are usually better, they're usually just too tired to show, until a competition comes out. Really. Or maybe it's just the tone in which you speak. Just stop, take a step back and listen to yourself. Sometimes you really sound offending.

And my phone, seems very quiet nowadays. Haiz, this is life, shit happens.

Now I really don't know what I want in life. Seems like I've been through almost everything I wanted to go through. I'm happy, somesort.

"Know your place"

Monday, September 21, 2009

Hari Raya

Yeah! It's Hari Raya! And blogger is working again!!!! WHEEE!!!!! So, let's try posting a pic!

YEAH! It worked! That was the Kinetic Art project. See! It's real! I wasnt CK-ing.

Won 5th place and $2000 by the way. But sadly, dunnoe if we can keep the prize money. Basically Singapore Poly sent 2 teams, and the other team kinda spent around $2000. So maybe the prize money will go back to the school and stuff, but heyy, I can't care less. Actually I care a bit luhh, could use a little cash to fund my bike. ^^V

I have no idea how to rotate the pic, so just rotate your head. That was what I was doing at work. Damn no life lei!! Cut model... Haiz..

And there it is. My pride and joy. My hybrid and my road, together, side by side, warms the heart doesn't it?

Anyway, a few specs on the hybrid. Aleoca XT frame, Shogun fork, SIS Tourney, Magnum Crank, Wellngo pedals, riser bar, Deore DCL, 27" wheels(110 psi), and shit as brakes.. ^^V

Alrite, I guess all that is covered. And yea, maybe most of you heard, taking a break with my girl, for about a month, hopefully she comes back just in time for my birthday. ^^V. Maybe that's what she planned? Yea rite, big dreams.

AND! Before I forget! Selamat Hari Raya!! haha, cycling was fun. 'Hari Raya Time Trial'.. That seriously lighten me up despite all the 'piss-ness' going around.

Wah! And I going off-road in a few hours, and still awake.. Oh well, how to sleep after a 'time-trial' like that. I love how you guys tell me things when you think I'm ready. Really helpful and keeps my ego in check.

Finally, a quote before I end off, not mine luhh, but it's nice...

"It's not about how much power you have, but how much power you can actually put down"


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Human Resource Management


You suck. REALLY. You do. I can't belive it. After all I've done, after everything I've been through, you are still treating me like shit. I'M TIRED. How come I don't get a break? Hello, my activities are more energy consuming compared to theirs. They end at 3am, I end at 6.30am!!! They need to report by 2pm, I'm reporting in at 10am! WHERE'S THE FAIRNESS?!

It's a team project ok, and I'm tired, and I also have other commitments. What the shit man. Yes we won, but I don't seem to be very happy do I? Ever wondered why? Ever bothered to ask me why I'm so tired, ever bothered to ask me why I'm so crossed? It's you. You're the freaking reason.

Fuck you all luhh. I have my limit, I can only push myself that far for that long. I'm running on very little sleep and seriously, I'm dehydrated half of the time. It's the fasting month, where's your respect for that? While you guys were happily waking up to grab something to eat, I'm already awake doing work.

Why am I so crossed? Maybe because the person who was slacking all these while seems to have things easy and the ones doing all the work seemed to be pressured into doing more work. And I can't believe how everyone credited her for OUR work. She went missing, we had a new plan that was workable. Where's my credit? I should be welcomed back as a hero, not some bangla worker forced to do more labour.

And fuck you all again luhh. Cancel cycling. nb. I'm doing something that my passion is driving me to do ok, and you shold be thankful I'm letting that go to make way for this piece of fake shit. How come you guys can't cancel your plans? How come I have to wrap around your schedule. GO FUCK YOURSELVES. That's all I really have to say. I'm really crossed and pissed to the extent that if one of you die, I'll be smiling so wide that my face is split in half.


Had a very bad week. Very very bad week. I'm tired, it's the fasting month and all, and I'm just naturally tired, dehydrated at times even. To make matters worse, someone had to come in and get crossed about everything.

Give me a break luhh, you rejected all my advice and now you expect me to do something about the situation. Dream on, I'm just a boy, I'm not a hero. We had the worst team leader to begin with, you should be thankful I stepped up and did something. And I still don't get it, why am I taking all the blame? I did in 3 days what she could never accomplish in three weeks. I deserve some credit or at least cut me some slack luhh.

Really you know, I'm tired. It's the fasting month, so I wake up at 5 every morning to eat. Then report to work and unlike the rest of the team, I'm dismissed at around 7.30. I really just want to go home, eat and rest. But no, you just couldn't let me could you? Ask the other fucking team members luhh, they're not fasting, they're not working overtime. Im running on fumes and you still expect me to run at top speed.

And it's freaking unfair that when the other members say that they can't meet means we don't meet. But when I have stuff on, I HAVE to cancel it. Yea, that's very fair. Very. And ya luhh, don't freaking tell me, 'Who ask you to cycle?'. Ccb, who ask me to be here in the first place. You have no idea how much I rather be out there on my bike rather then stuck in a room with a half hearted team. So be grateful I turn up for this fake shit. But really man, it's damn unfair, how come you guys NEVER have to cancel any of your plans? How come despite you guys ending work early, nobody could start on the project first? Why do I need to be there? Goodness.

And it's not funny you're using up my paint. I really wanted to paint something with that. I brought it with the intention that we could use it economically. And how come I have to buy the paint? You practically live next to Jurong Point. Basted.

Seriously, back to the main point. Why the hell are you so crossed at me? Freak, I wake up at 5am, end work at 7.30pm, rushed down to do the stupid stuff, cycled till 3am and got some shut eye before 5am again. Two hours of sleep and my work is usually overtime. You're pushing your luck la. And the freaking leader, sit there play facebook, ccb, do something luhh. Everytime go there only a few people doing stuff.

Was cheated off also. When I lend you my laptop, I really expected my privacy to be respected. I can't believe you opened up my project files and what's worst? You copied it. Your laptop wasn't working, so I lent you mine, goodness, I am so freaking weak. Should have just left you there.

Ahhh, I really feel like I'm used. Yes, I was ok with not getting credited, yes I was ok with you copying my work. The keyword here is WAS. Sometimes maybe you just forget how much I'm really pulling, I'm nice, but just remember I could just stop.

Feels like Im going around in circles, but really, the main spark here was someone being unreasonable. I'm tired, really. I'm still recovering from a cycling accident ok, I'm really not starting to like you. You rushed me all the way down, in my current state and let someone else relax and play facebook. Why not you give me a break and utilize whoever is there. You might not need me, but I'm not doing this for you either. Remember that.

Monday, September 7, 2009


HI GUYS! Blogger is still dead! So anyway, I'll try to wrap up EVERYTHING.

HOLIDAYS are here! But no holiday for me. Industrial Training Programme. Attached at MKPL Architects. So far, first day, sounds like a fun firm. but let's see how things go.

Fell off my road bike again. Took a direct hit at the shin. Pain I tell you. Whole body aching, up till now.

My hybrid bike is almost set up. Got my dual control levers, wheels and pedals. Left a long flat bar and a chain. I'm still not sure how to set-it up yet. But there's always time to learn.

Kinetic competition. Alrite, we finally have something, but we started so late, I don't know if we can finish it on time. I really hope we could.

Ubin camping trip. Uhh, not sure about that. No promises but I would really love to go. :)

Ouh, changed my phone. Changed my number. I'll update most of you guys when the time comes.

My crit, went ok I guess. Overall quite happy. GEMs presentation went well as well. Management paper however, haiz. Let's all just beocme religious and pray shall we?

Fasting is turing out great. Only one day didn't fast, thanks to cycling, but hey, I wanted to celebrate. So there we go.

Ouh, hope you liked the song!

You're never getting back your guitar by the way!

Wah! Lucky that Sunday rain. I was really going to fly aeroplane, damn tired on that Sunday.

Anything else or not? Ouh! New car to add to the cars I would love to drive list. The Lotus Evora and the Lamborghini LP-670 4 SV. Quite cool, both of them.

Jamming anytime soon? I don't know. How's the studio coming along? Haven't been on my electric for a long time also.

Wah, and that time say break fast together, now what happen? Only 2 weeks left, so must quickly plan. I usually end work around 7 at City area there, so I really don't know how it's going to work out.

I think that's all uh.