Saturday, September 12, 2009


Had a very bad week. Very very bad week. I'm tired, it's the fasting month and all, and I'm just naturally tired, dehydrated at times even. To make matters worse, someone had to come in and get crossed about everything.

Give me a break luhh, you rejected all my advice and now you expect me to do something about the situation. Dream on, I'm just a boy, I'm not a hero. We had the worst team leader to begin with, you should be thankful I stepped up and did something. And I still don't get it, why am I taking all the blame? I did in 3 days what she could never accomplish in three weeks. I deserve some credit or at least cut me some slack luhh.

Really you know, I'm tired. It's the fasting month, so I wake up at 5 every morning to eat. Then report to work and unlike the rest of the team, I'm dismissed at around 7.30. I really just want to go home, eat and rest. But no, you just couldn't let me could you? Ask the other fucking team members luhh, they're not fasting, they're not working overtime. Im running on fumes and you still expect me to run at top speed.

And it's freaking unfair that when the other members say that they can't meet means we don't meet. But when I have stuff on, I HAVE to cancel it. Yea, that's very fair. Very. And ya luhh, don't freaking tell me, 'Who ask you to cycle?'. Ccb, who ask me to be here in the first place. You have no idea how much I rather be out there on my bike rather then stuck in a room with a half hearted team. So be grateful I turn up for this fake shit. But really man, it's damn unfair, how come you guys NEVER have to cancel any of your plans? How come despite you guys ending work early, nobody could start on the project first? Why do I need to be there? Goodness.

And it's not funny you're using up my paint. I really wanted to paint something with that. I brought it with the intention that we could use it economically. And how come I have to buy the paint? You practically live next to Jurong Point. Basted.

Seriously, back to the main point. Why the hell are you so crossed at me? Freak, I wake up at 5am, end work at 7.30pm, rushed down to do the stupid stuff, cycled till 3am and got some shut eye before 5am again. Two hours of sleep and my work is usually overtime. You're pushing your luck la. And the freaking leader, sit there play facebook, ccb, do something luhh. Everytime go there only a few people doing stuff.

Was cheated off also. When I lend you my laptop, I really expected my privacy to be respected. I can't believe you opened up my project files and what's worst? You copied it. Your laptop wasn't working, so I lent you mine, goodness, I am so freaking weak. Should have just left you there.

Ahhh, I really feel like I'm used. Yes, I was ok with not getting credited, yes I was ok with you copying my work. The keyword here is WAS. Sometimes maybe you just forget how much I'm really pulling, I'm nice, but just remember I could just stop.

Feels like Im going around in circles, but really, the main spark here was someone being unreasonable. I'm tired, really. I'm still recovering from a cycling accident ok, I'm really not starting to like you. You rushed me all the way down, in my current state and let someone else relax and play facebook. Why not you give me a break and utilize whoever is there. You might not need me, but I'm not doing this for you either. Remember that.

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