Wednesday, February 24, 2010

726 400

And that. Is how it's done.

Accounting test today and it was perfect. Absolutely perfect. For the FIRST time ever, have my balance sheet actually balanced. After calculating the assets, I arrived at $726 400. And then, it was the moment of truth. After totaling the liabilities and owner's equity, I covered my calculator screen, held my breath, slowly moved my hand away and there it was. Shining right at me. 726 400. FOR THE FIRST TIME! IT BALANCED! AND IT WAS THE FINAL EXAM. Ahaha, yes, after the papers were collected, I waltz across the classroom to my bag, and oh my, the smile on my face was so wide. Went to the toilet with a smile on my face and pee-ed with a great sign of relief.

My perfect day continued. I went to the Architectural Design and Resource Center (ADRC) and was expecting the aircon to be turned off in the model room. But nope, it's on and I found my file with ease. Being caught up with how perfect the day was going, I forgot that I wanted to look for Mr Goh to clarify if I could form another team for the BCA-CDL Green Mark Competition. And oh my, I saw him, and Mrs Koh walking back to school from lunch. Of course, I greeted him with a smile and he was enthusiastic about another team coming in. Perfect.

Then, the traffic light turned green as I was about to cross, courtesy to some guy standing there under the sun. And, I walked to the bus stop, waited less than a minute, and my bus came! PERFECT! I took 196 all the way to the bus interchange, and once I alighted, another 196 came and I took it to reach my house! ABSOLUTELY PERFECT.

And the whole time from after the test till i reached home, I had my mp3 plugged in and the volume cranked up way high, and it was churning out all my favorite tunes. Yes, my smile was never wiped off my face. I even got a hair cut today! And then as I laid down on my bed to rest, I remembered Maurices' performance on Saturday.

And as I smiled to myself. I remembered the 21st of February 2010. Where Wynn got the shit scared out of him.


man. We were laughing so hard it actually started to hurt. I couldn't stand up because it was so painful after that outburst of laughter. Oh well, Wynn, I guess you've learnt how to spell friends, F-A-G-G-O-T-S. But really, that was a good laugh. I'm sure we'll NEVER forget about it.

Yea. So, I'll just lay here, and keep on smiling to myself. Today. Was perfect. Absolutely perfect. :)

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