Monday, March 1, 2010


Ok. Cycling. Is. Dangerous.

Alright, so how did I arrive to this conclusion. It all began with me thinking about my future. Where would I end up 7 years from now? Will I have a job? Will I be married? Will I have a daughter? Will I finally have that car I've been aiming for? Will I finally be riding a Madone? Will I even be alive?

To set my goals, I googled up the Indicative Grade Profiles for the National University of Singapore and the Nanyang Technological University. Oh my, was I in for a shock.


What the hell. Architecture needs a GPA of 3.40. Civil Engineering needs a GPA of 3.51! Communication Studies, which would be my desperate choice, still needs a GPA of 3.40. Are you kidding?! That is almost perfection right there.

Right. So after I found out what I needed to aim for, I set a timetable for the holidays, to somehow try and push myself to work harder.

So far, my attitude has been "That will do".

Everything, as long as it looked presentable and neat would have passed in my books. Maybe it's time for a change. Maybe I can put in that tiny bit more effort and reach that stage of perfection.

And there it was. To me, what seemed like a perfect balance between life, passion and work.

And today started out great. I was on my bike, slamming in 35km/h right before the headwind came blowing in. But I shifted and could somehow hang on to 30km/h. I reached the city, pulled a huge U-Turn with a great big smile on my face, went on the hoods and was back up to 35km/h with the tailwind.

The ride was perfect, the bike is sounding like how a bike is suppose to sound. I'm building up revs like how a cyclist should be building up revs. Everything seemed like a commercial, until I reached West Coast Park.

I was reaching out for my bottle at the intersection of West Coast Highway and West Coast Link, waiting for the turn light to be illuminated. The light turned yellow and I had to quickly place my bottle back before I could even get a sip.

The turn light illuminated and I started rolling.

And then.

'BEEP'. A malaysian trucked, ran the red light from the opposing direction and cleared inches away from my front wheel.



Which part of 'STOP THE FUCK AT A FUCKING RED LIGHT' didn't you understand?!

knn. ccb. nb. What were you trying to do?! You're on a fucking truck. I'm on pieces of aluminum welded together. At that speed, man, I wouldn't like to imagine what happened if we traded paint.

Really. Be patient. There could be other 19 year olds riding around. They're still young. They still have dreams. They still have a future to fight for.

And no. I'm not going to bullshit about how skilled I was in avoiding the truck. As a matter of fact, my last minute swerve to clear the truck was more by luck then judgment.

And no. This is not the first time this kinda shit has happened.

And no. You'll never get used to the feeling.

But fuck. I feel damn lucky. Somehow, I'm still sitting here blogging instead of laying on the road covered in blood.

Yes. I'm damn thankful. And Yes, I'm still quite shaken. But man.

Drivers seriously need to be more careful and attentive.

Yes. So. Cycling, is dangerous. PERIOD.

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