Thursday, July 2, 2009

Good Moments, Bad moments

6.45am and my alarm rang. I was awake and ready by 7.20am, all dressed up for my presentation. This was not something I would want to screw up, there was no chance I would take public transport. Not for this. I rode off on my bike, in the formal shirt and jeans. While cycling, I saw the lab TSO walking towards the bus stop, I rang him with my bell and we waved at each other. Felt like we were in a commercial.

My jeans got dirty, thanks to the exposed chain rings, but, I made it to school and was still in a presentable state, due to the fact that it was the morning and also due to the fact that I maintained a 12km/h speed.

The presentation, well, I forgot one whole paragraph, but that wasn't the end of the world. To me, the presentation went quite ok, just needed to make small changes here and there, but otherwise, that was it. Quite fast, quite simple and I cleared my doubts about some things. Mr Goh was really really really helpful, he actually listened to my intent and helped me with it. THANKS!

After that went to Pioneer to play basketball, I cycled there, and locked my bike under DSs void deck. Then we went to play basketball, which was fun when David came in, a little 2 on 1 which to me, was really fun. SOCCER was next. I played with a bunch of malay kids, like primary school kids, and I don't know luhh, two of them wasn't very happy with me being around. Heyy man, soccer is soccer, it doesnt matter who you're playing with or who you're playing against. But anyway, retreated back to basketball and DS taught me how to shoot, which is quite useful since most of the time Im just throwing the ball and hoping that it will go in. A guy then walked up and asked us for a friendly match, but I had to refuse, I needed enough energy to cycle home.

It was damn fun luhh, for the first time, cycling, soccer and basketball all in one day! The feeling of running and jumping around was all very exciting. Then, there was this girl who I saw yesterday, so called up my fren to tell him about it, turns out he's playing pool. Well, indoor people.

When it was time to cycle home, I looked at my bike and immediately realised that some punk tried to steal it. The lights were all gone, including the ones on the rims!(i juz bought that!), the cycling pouch was halfway out but the worst was the quick release wheels. The punk released it half way, I don't know why, maybe he was too stupid. Anyway, when I was cycling home, the wheel began to wobble and thankfully I was using V-Brakes, so the bike gradually came to a stop. Flipped my bike over and tighten the wheels, and then cursed and swear and the stupidity of theives nowadays.

Reached home with a pissed face. Despite the soccer and the basketball, the idiot who tried to steal my bike really spoiled my day.

" doesn't matter who you're playing with or who you're playing against"

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