Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Thank You.

That word seems rare now days. Why? I just cannot comprehend how people could forget those two words. I mean, after everything someone else have done for you, a simple smile and 'Thank You'. It's irritating. I'm never at the receiving end of a 'Thank You', which is good. No really, it's ok, it has taught me to appreciate simple manners.

It's easy to catch my attention. It is even easier to blow me away with simple manners. No, I do not need it overdone but I need it to be there. But really, a simple gesture would really make everyone's day.

Moving on, man, the roads. I'm starting to miss it. When I've cleared my projects, definitely a blog post on the best cycling roads in Singapore. I'm starting to miss the roads I've covered, especially Neo Tiew Road and Lim Chu Kang Road. It was a totally different experience from the normal Singapore roads. For once, there was no traffic at all. No double yellow lines, no bustops and my favourite part, NO TRAFFIC LIGHTS!

Wow, long and smooth. I love that road. I really really do. Nothing else could ever compare to the feeling you get when you're on it. Nothing. Mark my words. Half Island trip this Sunday if I can clear my 'to-do' list.

Moving on. JC-Poly nonsense. Man! Give me a break already. Where, the hell, did you get the idea that my life in poly is slack? Someone told you? Well drop me a name and I'll whack the shit outta that fella. PLEASE luhh, wake up your bloody idea. Just because I can afford to cycle every week does not mean poly is slack, it means your time management sucks! You think you got a lot of things to cover uh? You think your A lvl cert damn big uh? Just because I don't complain about my deadlines means I don't have any is it? Utter nonsense.

If I told you what the hell I have to manage with, you'll be cowaring under your books. Next time you're about to complain about how stress your life is and how desperately hopeless you are, shut up and manage your time you pillock.

Sorry uh, but just had to say it in your face. You're not the only ones with problems. Yea, I used to listen but now things have change. I have my own problems to solve. Which leads us to the next topic. People who complain so much and never do anything.

You know those Proton cars, a lot of noise but very little movement? Yes, that is what you are like when you're complaining. You'll sit down on your arse and guess what? You're not moving! Be like an Honda for goodness sake, silent yet efficient. I don't mind if you're an Aston Martin either, really loud and really powerful. Complaining never gets you anywhere. Never. Be mentally strong. Please. I can't handle your problems and mine at the same time. I 'm just a boy, I'm not a hero.

The DotA nonsense again. Why uh, can i just ask, why must everyone who talks about DotA uses words such as 'noob' 'pwned' 'ulti' 'fucker'. It's a computer game, sit down, have fun and shut up. I have never seen so much flare and the need for dominance, it's a game. You guys are 'pwning' 'noobs' by using your 'ulti' in a GAME. Can you please get it in your head? It's a game. It will never leave the computer screen. It's a GAME. Just because a group of you are talking about how much 'pwning' you guys did last night on the game does not impress me at all. As a matter of facts, I seriously think you guys are seriosuly uncool. Please, take offence here. Goodness, talking so proudly about something you guys accomplished in a GAME. If it really gets too lame, as in, if you guys ask me out and talk about a whole bunch of bullcrap and how cool it is, I'll just go out cycling the next time round. At least it's real.

"...a lot of noise but very little movement"

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