Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Yes, I know, long time and yet no meaningful update. Simple reason, I just can't seem to upload any pictures on my blog! Yes, it is that irritating. But never mind, I'll just bring you guys back up to speed on how things are turning out with me on the steering wheel.

Had my JC2 crit, the fly or die crit I was talking about, and well, to sum it up, I managed to take off. Later that week had a dose of basketball and soccer, like back to back on 2 days. Cycled here and there and that was it. Still haven't realized my dream of doing an endurance lap. Bought an R/C car, had fun with that on Saturday. Still haven't heard a word from my girlfriend, seriously, what could have happened? Anyway, kept myself free on Sunday because there was a PLAN to play soccer, but it was cancelled. Oh well, should have seen that one coming, so here's a tip. When indoor people asks you to play sports, just say yes and quickly make other plans.

I'm being dead serious here, don't bother filling yourself with hopes of playing a good game, cause first, it won't happen. Second, if it does happen, it would only be for a short while before people start running out of steam. Third, you realise you have absolutely nothing to do for the rest of the day because you wanted to rest before and after the game. So yea, just don't bother.

PLEASE REPLY MY SMS! Five days already, what the hell happened? I'm worried. I can't say more, I don't even know if you're reading this. You never do.

Moving on,(yes, I'm trying to drown out my worries) had my management presentation today, wow, that went well. We did not even rehearse it once, not even once, but when the time came everything just flowed, as if we practiced it over and over and over and over again. It seriously felt as though we were a team. I had the honor of starting and ending the presentation, and my team members just couldn't let me down. Yes they were not used to presenting, yes they had their MSTs but my god was that flawless.

That presentation really did lift up my face abit with a smile despite the gloomy weather. And OUH! Tomorrow! Playing soccer! We just planned it today and guess what, tomorrow we're playing, if the weather holds. Which brings us back again to the first part of the post. See the difference?

Finally, my endurance lap. I've been wanting to do it for a long long long time now. It's basically a 'Tour de Singapore'. Yupz, you got it, a tour of Singapore. Planning to kick off with the usual west to east, and then up up up to Lim Chu Kang, and then a straight dash across Lim Chu Kang Rd(cemetery), a detour to the west side industrial area and then the home stretch along West Coast Highway. I'm still new to this, so I expect to complete the 160km route in 5 hours? Or less? I know I can't do it in 4 cause I still lack the power to maintain a speed exceeding 45km/h. I'm really banging on this to be done on Saturday, planning to kick off at 8am to avoid the blazing afternoon heat. But if it rains too heavy on that day then I might reconsider, if it's a slight drizzle then I'm still going to power through. So yea, this is an invite to anyone who wants a 160km lap at an average speed of 37km/h and sprints that might kiss the 60km/h mark. Don't tag the tagboard if you want to join, just drop me an SMS.

'...I don't even know if you're reading this. You never do. '

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