Tuesday, June 9, 2009


HOLY MOLLY. Today was a HELL of a day. I was sick during the day, a very very bad dry cough but I came around in the afternoon. So I decided to join the guys at the Studio. I cycled down, as usual and then wanted to hop this curb near class. To say the least, I had an AMBITIOUS entry speed. The front wheels lifted up flawlessly but due to the speed, the back wheels clipped the curb. BAM! I was on the floor! The bike had flipped over and what was even more astonishing was the handlebar, was split in half! A perfect cut!!!

Yea, there it was, half a handlebar!

But the fall was more spectacular. Following advice from SOMEONE, I jumped off the bike and slid on the hard floor. Looks like the bike landed flat and took most of the damage. Two of my friends were walking and came to again remind me how cool that fall was, so thanks QQ and WR, but man, for that split second, while I was in the air, it felt, almost magical. I was really alive at that moment despite being so close to that hard concrete floor. WOW. If you gave me the chance to do it again, I would. I don't get that feeling very often. Everything is bounded by Health and Safety guidelines, people are too overconcerned. But man, that feel was so; You know when we use to play soccer and there was CONSTANT body contact? It was that feeling. That very feeling I'm missing in my life right now. That pressure, the push, makes you alot stronger , better and faster than you really are.

The story does not end there. The rear derailleurs, yup, the rear derailleurs was also in half! Not due to the fall, maybe it passed it's expiry date. But wow, this is where I come down to earth and really think everything, including the bones in my body, can fall apart, just like that. So this is a tip. When cycling or when doing something where you can get yourself hurt, always, and i mean always, wear a helmet. You might not see the reason, but think about it. You only have one head, and in the event you do fall on head, you want to get up and walk away. So consider that. And also check your tires and brakes. (Sounds like another HSA message from Callum)

Although falling is fun and stuff, you know, roughing it out. There are a few draw backs. Such as these.
Yea yea, I do not actually know how to format the pictures, but yea, that is what you get for sliding on concrete. And you know, yeah, that's basically it. Don't ask me what happen during the fall cause as we all know it, my eyes are always closed during these major life changing events.

So there we are. A few lessons can be learnt. 1. The next time you think of doing something stupid, just sit at home and play DotA. 2. When doing something ambitious, remember this phrase. 'AMBITIOUS, BUT RUBBISH'. 3. Always perform health and safety checks before doing stuff.

So yea, it was fun, definately. Just like competitive soccer, which you know, judging by the feeling, I will most definately try to find a team right after all my scars have healed. (shd be in 2 months time, if nothing else goes wrong) Playing the guitar also sounds like a good idea, just sitting there and strumming away with the wind, doesnt sound that bad at all. Ouh, and for those of you CARE AND CONCERN people, the bike has had a change of handlebar and I have an extra Shimano rear derailluers to replace the broken one. But yeah, the bike can be fixed, it's mechanical afterall. And I'll recover to become something stronger. So no worries there. Just remember...


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