Tuesday, June 9, 2009


(This post is not factual, it is for the use of entertainment only)

Do you remember those days where SOMEONE would take your wallet and hide it
somewhere? OF COURSE you don't! It was such a long time ago! Like during primary school or even before that! But this guy, seems to be the only one who still does it.

(Image has been blurred to save some face)

So aniwae, wah lao eh. You know the guy in the picture hor, he hor, everytime take my things one, then everytime hor, want to pull down my pants one. Then then everytime want to touch my penis one. I dunnoe why buh he always liddat. (Change in tone and grade of language for OBVIOUS reasons.)

I'm not much of a critique, so basically, I think this section should be left for David Hu Kai En to write. David is of course the only human capable of understanding that THING in the picture. None of us can understand his theories on teleportation and about how he is a genuis or how he is going to kill all of us. So stay tuned as I try to bring David in for a special post as he enlightens fellow readers on this on-going phenomenon.

Heyy, I've managed to get the report from David.

"Basically, the photo above, although not taken with perfect quality due to the inability to survive near the presence of that THING (which directly caused the photographer to fall unconscious but still managed to press the capture button on his camera when he fell), is one of the strangest and probably the most unearthly creature that appeared on our planet.

Scientists had produce some results on the information of this creature. Although they are unable to get their hands on any sample from the body of this "alien", they're still giving it their best to expose the true identity and ability of this special being.

This article is distributed so that the readers, you, can get to know first-hand information on the latest and the most exciting results the scientists had revealed. Want to find out more? Then, continue reading.

The professionals believe that one amazing skill of this special being, is the ability to teleport. In fact, the term teleportation might be the appropriate word to describe it. Staying away from a certain distance, they observed this creature "freezes" at certain time of the day in its current state, and then appears all the way in Bangladesh. They were puzzled but still continued to observe more, when this news came that shock the whole group. This being was spotted in a small country thousands of miles south-east from its home. Singapore. To cut it short, this creature had created another copy of it and had sent this entity through teleportation into that country. Its activities in Singapore were briefly described to be stealing wallets from distracted Singaporeans, only to return it and suddenly fall into a state like it was having spasms, which act is suspected to be "laughing".

An accident that happened in this architectural company named WOHA© was supposed to be linked to that creature as well. An amateur architect saw it fidgeting with one the computers in the office, and a few hours later, the building plans was checked and an astonishing error was discovered. The ICs (Inspection Chambers) were all linked with 100mm pipes to almost every computer that were inserted in the building plan.

It also was assumed to have appeared in the game called “MapleSEA” (a.k.a MapleStory South-East-Asia). Players had singled out one character that acts and speaks in a queer way. Phrases that were literally translated from the alien player’s writing looks like “AYEE” and “SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP” were witnessed by various players.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about this “living thing” is that it actually IS surprisingly interested in the Male Reproduction Organ. Yes, you’ve got it right – a PENIS. And of course, no one knows the real reason except that it might be a female (Excluding the second horrifying reason that it has mistaken that “Sausage” to be a “REAL Sausage”… … In other words, it’s EDIBLE for God’s sake, its FOOD! ... FOOOOD! Get that joke? Man…). This logically explains why the creature’s copy in Singapore often was seen pulling pants of boys and men, down. Taken aback, those victims shot out their hands at high speed and pull those pair of cover back up, thus unable to confirm the objective of the being’s acts. Currently, no volunteers had shown up to sacrifice their manhood to help the ongoing research on the being.

With much to expect and much to find out, researches are hoping that this UFB (Unidentified Foreign Being) will bring us the freshest technology that earth in its current state, can’t offer. With this fictitious technology of teleportation, human race had advance to a whole new era. And the ability of disposing deleted data through the pipes into the ICs after converting them to physical matter, well, this is one technology that we haven’t think of throughout the history. So keep on waiting, as this mighty animal from nowhere might become our global genius, our second Albert Einstein."



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