Friday, June 12, 2009


Wow, today had a lot of 'finally''s.

I finally went out with someone from the OG and it's not Iezah. I finally had a taste of Aston's steak. I finally fixed my bike. I finally sat down in the playground and played guitar with a Chinese. I finally did a high speed manouvre on my road bike. Finally.

During The Day

So the day started out with me waking up at 10am in the morning. Only to realise I have made a crucial calculation error. We planned to meet at 11am at 'THE CATHAY' (no, it's not the one at Orchard ^^V) and my ambitious idea was to wake up at 10am, get ready and somehow teleport there and meet her on time. And as always, ambitious, but rubbish.

So back to the story. I woke up at 10am, rushed, and was out of the house by 10.11am. A relatively quick time I must say. Walking towards the bus interchange, I began to ponder what bus actually reaches The Cathay. Yes I have worked there before but for goodness sake, I could not remember what bus goes to Cathay. Up the flight of steps and onto the interchange, I maintained my coolness as I checked the bus directory. AH-HAH! Bus service number 7 reaches The Cathay, and i was in luck, the bus was pulling up.

Sat down with my MP3 plugged in and volume turned way up, I was finally on the way at 10.37am. Straight out of the interchange we hit a red light. But that was't the worse. This was.
YES! I was stuck in the bus which was stuck in traffic! AHHHH! This is where I wish I had a bike to squeeze and inch through all those cars who all just NEEDED to be at the SAME PLACE at the SAME TIME. That was when Christina messaged and asked where I was, naturally of course I faked that I was reaching soon.

FINALLY. I've reached and Christina was there waiting and idling away on her mobile phone. What was her first words when she saw me? 'I knew you would wear that shirt'. WA LAO, I knew I was predictable, but am I THAT predictable? Looks like I am. So we walked to The Cathay and girls being girls was naturally confused about where buildings and places were. 'Boring, dead' was how she described the place, but heyy, it's a weekday. At Aston's, we took a seat and ordered. The food, well, was forgettable. However it was filling and well, basically, my eating pace got slower and slower which seem to get her more tense. First time, EVER, was I rushed by a girl to finish my plate. Cool, once we're done with that we paid the bill and went to the busstop. Her bus conviently came first and she left, but oh my, something even prettier came by.
If you look all the way in the background. The silver car, YES! IT IS AN ASTON MARTIN!!! However, that experience was forgettable as well. It was so silent and almost had no presence to it. What's the point of buying an Aston Martin if you do not rev up the engine? What's the point if you do not pull away from the other front wheel drive cars? Different people think differently I guess.

So that concludes my day.

During The Afternoon

Laid down at home, watched a few documentaries, checked out the Mercedes C-Class; not bad I must say, if i do become successful, i'll be sure to own one of those. Fixed my bike. I found my alan key, so re-adjusted the brakes, and then tighten the cranks and it was ready! However, since I like Oliver to be in my room, I told my mum that it is still spoilt so she would stop naggin about how bikes should be parked outside the house.

During The Night

Basically, me and Ding Sian wanted to do something, since both of us are tired of watching mindless porn videos which serve no real purpose. The idea of playing basketball came up, except for one small tiny problem. We do not have a basketball. Soccer was next, and I found it impossible to haul a fully inflated soccer ball on my road bike. Being a malay, the idea of playing guitar at the void deck came up, and that was exactly what we did.
Ahh yes, just sitting there strumming away and singing together. That was it, cheap ways to waste the time away. Fun too.

Then it was time to go home. I mounted my bike and navigated through his carpark, cursing and swearing at the level of complexity of the carpark. I was out in a matter of seconds though, and began to roll towards home sweet home. I was hoping for a smooth and leisure ride, but one taxi just could not let things go my way. Crusing down on the first lane, lights started to appear behind me. I turned around and there was a taxi right on my tail, and for the life of me I cannot figure out why he cannot use the other two lanes! I however, stood my ground, refusing to give up my lane. AND HE CAME IN CLOSER! Naturally of course fear and confusion sets in and I did the one thing I love to do. Shifted the gears, arched my body back and began to sprint. I looked down and I saw the lights backing, I looked forward and saw a parked car! A swerve to the right to avoid the car and then a swerve back into lane. WOW, the feeling was great. Those slick tires actually stuck on the road. I always thought that with slicks you have to stick to the road, but with slicks, you actually stick to the road. That was fun, the bike as mentioned before, was pointy and precise. But yeah, those were the highlights of my nite.

Yup, that was today. Sweet and simple. No over-the-top stuff, you know what I'm saying? I prefer cheap meanigful thrills rather than a $20 hard drink. You still get the fun and you leave out the hangovers.

You actually stick to the road

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