Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Stop Faking It

I'm not about mocking people but I'm also not open to getting mocked at by strangers or acquaintances. I don't mind getting laughed at by Mr Smug or The Slut from time to time, oh wait, actually I don't mind getting laughed at by them at all. And there is a good reason for that, they know me, we have an UNDERSTANDING (somesort). But you know, when people you don't really know or people who do not really know you act is though they do, it really sucks.

Time and time again I whine about how competitive my class can get, there is no actual fun, no actual reason for waking up to go to school in the morning animore. I'm never about what is on paper, never. I do not care how wonderful my results turn out to be, cause even if i get and 'A' on paper, that is what it will ever be, on paper. Some people however never seem to get the point, always so worried about their grades always licking the boots of their lecturers. Non of that nonsense from me man. You like me or you don't, I don't care if you're controlling my grades, I do care however if you're controlling my bike(that could get dangerous, ask YK for details on what happen when i held on to his handlebar). This is the problem with the class as a whole, too competive, there is no more 'Good Morning!', no more 'Soccer Later?', you know, no more that kinda of stuff that bonds us together. Yes, this is about me whining about the competitiveness of my class.

Back in those days, we played a game for the dire soul and passion. We loved the teachers, we respected them not beacuse they control how many marks we got but because they were very close to us. Now, the game is played for blood, no mercy kinda rule. That's just not me man, I will not buy you a cup of coffee because you promise me higher marks, I WILL buy you a cup of coffee if we could sit down and talk. As a matter of fact, if you told me buying you a cup of coffee will result in higher marks I will SLAP YOU IN THE FACE right then and there.

Although there are implications, I mean buying your boss coffee will leave a good impression and so on. In my books however (no, it's not porn magazines), no matter how good of an impression you make, your work must back you up.

Yes, that is my point about this whole competitiveness going on. Nobody dares to disagree with the lecturers, but heyy, I'm here to learn, if Im wrong fail me, Im not here to fully agree with everything you say, 'Repeating what others have done requires knowledge, challenging it require brains'.

Moving on back to the class, my god, I can put my hand up and swear I have no real friends in there. Everybody is so fake, so academically focus. What happened to those good old days of sweating on the field together? What happened to those days of playing soccer after school? What happened to those cycles where we would get hopelessly lost? What happened to the fun and the joy of having classmates?

As we all know it, I do not do any work over the weekend. My weekends are basically used up to meet people who I want to see, people who wants to see me and of course reserved for my bike. The weekend is the time where I get away from my classmate and classwork to spend some QUALITY time with people I grew to love. Things I love to do. Usually I'm not so critical, but here's one of the conversations:

Classmate : 'Did you do any work over the weekend?'
Callum : 'Nope'
Classmate : 'Yea right'

Urgh man. Is it that hard to believe. I have already devoted most of my weekdays to homeworks and stuff. Give me a break! COME ON LUHH! I don't like to talk about work, I don't like to answer questions and I especially don't like to repeat what I've said. Well, actually I don't mind answering any of your questions if you guys were actually my friends. But the truth of the matter is you guys are not. You don't know me, you guys don't care about me so stop faking it. I can see right through.

So stop faking it luhh, you guys are way too overly concerned about what comes out on paper and I don't. You guys are too overly concern about saying the wrong things that could pull down your grades and I'm not. You guys talk to me about work and YOUR design intent and YOUR design stragies and YOUR problems and YOUR next action, and frankly speaking, I answer because I want to talk.

One more thing I like to add. Stop asking me how is my girlfriend. She's fine, she's mine, she's my problem, she's my responsibilty. If you're not even remotely related to me, the why on earth are you asking about her? Goodness. It is not as if you guys know her do you? It is not as if you guys are genuinly concern about her? So stop faking it.

And yes, you guys don't know me and fair enough I do not know you. I may have been a little selfish in saying how much i dislike you guys but heyy, don't take it personally. I do not know most of you, I do not know your backgroud, I do not know your problems. However, I do not want to know either. Yes Im very sure you guys have your own problems and I have mine too, Im sure you guys have friends to listen to yours and I have friends to listen to mine. So please forgive me if I'm only giving my point of view, but this however is my blog.

So that basically sums it up, I wake up everyday, sit down in a class filled with strangers and then go home. Have a big grin on my face as the weekend approaches and wipe it off once the week starts.

So stop faking it.

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