Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rainy Season

The rainy season is here! YES! At last! I've longed for days like these where I can snuggle under my blanket and feel so warm when everything else around me is so cold. I love the rain. I simply love it.

GUYS! One thing to note, chill luhh! I'm not some depressed soul, it's just that sometimes there is so much inside of me that I do not show and it has no other way out, so it comes out here, on the blog, and once it comes out, that's it. It's over. It's like an upset stomach, a lot of rumbling, a lot of noise, and when it comes out it's usually unpleasant, but after it comes out, 'AHHHHH'. relief.

Today was fun, wasted time at IMM(really, it was a waste of time) and then dinner. I was STARVING the whole day so YES, anything tasted great. Thanks for making me walk in the rain though, i LOVE getting wet.

But you know what really made my day today? OLIVER!
NEW HANDLEBARS! WOOOOHHHOOOO! It looks so pretty! Black handlebars. Im in love.
and Microshift! Wooo. It's so sleek like Flash's head. The cables were re-installed. So we won't have the sudden derailleur shift like last time, which scared the shit of me. Yea, so that's it for the bike. Final note before i end of. THANKS FOR MAKING ME WALK IN THE RAIN.

"It's so sleek like Flash's head"

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