Monday, June 29, 2009

Term Holiday Summary

The three week long holiday is over, and guess how many road rides I did?

NOPE, you're wrong. TWO. THAT'S IT. Two rides on my road bike. Honestly speaking, I find that very pathetic. The purpose of the bike is not to be displayed at home, dolefully due to the fact that my friends are not on a road and due to the fact that I've been busy. (somesort)

How do I sum up this holiday? To begin with, there was an architectural submission thing going on, needed the floor plans, two elevations and a section. I did that inch by inch, slowly painting one part of the canvas to gradually complete the whole picture. That's just some things I've learn, if you don't get the ball rolling, it'll stay where it is. (DUH)

On top of that, there was a marketing project, the scenario was that WE are marketing consultants for Downtown East. It sounds fun until we realize that other groups had six members and we had THREE. THREE for goodness sake! We had HALF the power but still needed to pack the same punch. I'm the leader and naturally of course everything went smoothly. I must say I am very impressed with the attitude of the members. Here, let me give you a scenario.

For example, if I had spare time and could cover other members work, I would ask, 'You can handle or not? If not then I can take it'
In architecture, the response would be, 'Sure uh? Don't screw it up'. (oh, give me a break, I'm already doing YOUR work mind you.)
In the marketing group however, the reply would be, 'Ah, no, it's ok, I can handle it.' Mind you, they are DIPLOMA PLUS people with grades to uphold, and when I offered to take some loads off their shoulders(cause I know they have MST approaching), they just thanked me and handled it themselves.
It would be a DREAM if I had classmates like them. I don't like to compare but my god would I give anything to have them sitting in the same class as me.

Of course, the holiday was filled with lunch and dinners. Boy have I been missing out. One of my friend is getting engaged, a few are already overseas, some changed a lot and some still haven't moved from where I last. This holiday was really too short, sorry if I couldn't meet with some of you guys. I PROMISE we'll meet soon.

Relationship wise, some strengthen as the holidays went on and a few deteriorated. Don't worry, I'm not going to be over-come with rage again about how much my life sucks, maybe I just wasn't use to it.

Cycling wise, still the same two bikes. I really miss riding my road. There was so much power riding on that bike. There's things that are fun, and then on top of that there is sex, and on top of that there is 'Riding a Road Bike'. With my helmet on, my hair kinda looked funny after a long ride. See the picture? That's what happens when I took my helmet off. My hair had ridges, where the helmet ventilation holes were. Of course, some people might not like it, but heyy, it's natural, unlike some posers who take an hour to get their hair done.

FOUND MY GUITAR PICK! The black and white one. I thought I lost it in the studio but NO! It was under my sofa! Currently in love with a lot of songs, but would love to jam GIVES YOU HELL(All-American rejects), 21 GUNS(Green Day), and WHATEVER(My favorite band)

OUH! Also played at the arcade! BattleGear 4. What a bullshit game. The physics were SO fake. I was using a Mitsubishi Evo X, a four wheel drive car and it handled EXACTLY like a RWD car!! I was going sideways at 74km/h?! It was fun though, gear up, gear up, brake, gear down, gear down, hand brake, turn, half step on the power during the turn, and full power on the straight, POWER, gear up gear up and the whole process repeats itself for about three minutes, then the race would end, then I would do it all over again!

Parks! CYCLED to Botanic Gardens, realized that bicycles were not allowed.(Rule number 6), so had to sneak pass the rangers. Went to HortPark, what a waste of time that was. Labrador Park is also in the list, that was where we scared ourselves silly and then were just aww-ed by the stars.

Had a dose of supercars this holidays as well.
AHHH! AN AUDI R8! And then me and my bike beside it! WOOOO! What a picture! Of course saw a few of other familiar cars like the Lamborghini Murcielago and Gallardo, Honda MRS,(this I damn not sure, my friend said it's a MRS, looks like the H S2000) Lotus Elise, Aston Martins, a few AMG Mercs and of course my favourite JAGs.

Sleep deprevation was on top of the list as well. WHY CANT YOU GUYS LET ME SLEEP?! IT'S THE HOLIDAYS FOR GOODNESS SAKE! I was awoken almost every morning by an SMS or someone calling. There was not a day where I could prolong my sleeping hours. It's irritating, especially when I think about it.

Recyling efforts seem to have improved. Mr Smug's road bike is complete, somesort. Brakes are flawless, rear shifters function but front still has one or two issues. SOCCER! Yes, had none of that during this holiday, neither was basketball or any other sport for that matter.

To sum up for those of you who scrolled right down to the bottom of this post (yes, I know SOME OF YOU do that), this wasn't the best holiday but hey! Im happy!

'..HALF the power but still needed to pack the same punch'

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