Thursday, December 3, 2009


Yea, same shit different day.

Anyway, went for a round island with about 70 other bikes.

By the way, hit 81km/h on that ride. Yes, I'm quite proud of it. And no, the speedo did not trip.
Cool. Went to watch Mr. Canoe race, he got in third for the C1 500m event. Not bad, first time see him smile so wide. After that, went to eat chicken rice.
Remember that?

Ouh ouh, bought new street soccer shoes!

Anything else? Nope, ahaha, I guess that's it.

"Remember that?"

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Need Re-Motivation

Again, off form again.

Was out with Les on Sunday, stayed up the whole night till it literally DAWNED on me that I have an accounting test. Crap, the paper was at 6.30pm and I had to drag myself through what seem to be the longest architecture tutorial ever. I couldn't take it. Caught a few winks in class and just had to be ready for the paper.

Tricky. That would be the perfect word to describe it. No other way. The second question stunned me. "Sold stock of goods worth $2000 to Mr Lim on credit for $4000". What the hell man? What is the double entry suppose to be?!?

Dr. Mr Lim $4000
Cr. Stock $2000
Cr. SCAMMED $2000

Yea, I think that just sets the tone for the rest of the paper.

Finally got my sleep after that, and woke up to the sounds of 98.7fm on a great Tuesday morning. Got on my mountain bike and rode to school. Damn, it feels so comfortable. Sat in class to Understand Weather, then walked Ting to the studio, she's as pretty as ever, then went home . I have to stop getting distracted when I'm on the bike. I was cycling home, when an auntie caught my eye. No, she wasn't pretty, she was just doing something strange. Couldn't figure out what she was doing so turned my attention back to my front.

Wa lao eh, there was a kerb luhh. Slammed the rear brakes cause my hands are always on it. Tried to squeeze the front levers but missed it. My bike different set up uh, as in the lever angles are different, so just couldn't find the lever on my mountain bike. Thankfully however, the rear brakes worked and I stopped with quite a distance to spare.

Wind today is horrible man. It was so strong.

Got home, then went back to school for LC. Then went home again, in the strong winds.

Played the guitar, finally, after a long time. ^^V. Then, got a quote from a very nice song.

Still no mood to do any architectural work. It's just down right demoralising when you have to keep changing stuff. So yea, going to cool off, have a little bit of fun, and slam right back into work.

"This life is not about what you have. It's about what you believe."


Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Long Time No Post post

Yes, I know, long time no post. But my blog shall not crumble and fall like Glen's and Les. Theirs was doomed to fail ever since the idea pop-ed up in their heads. So anyway, re-cap of my life. Finished my Industrial Training Programme, then it was straight to BP submission. Ouh, that was fun. Three weeks to finish everything, and yeap, I have to say, I'm pleased with the quality of my work. Here, let me show you.

Yea, that's the first storey floor plan. But what I really really like is the section.

Yup, generally pleased with the BP submission set. After that, was straight to BATAM. Went there to do work uh, but had some fun along the way.
Yea, that was the hotel. Cool right? Each hotel room was a unit on it's own. And oh my, the view, was nothing less than spectacular.
So yea, all complaints aside. It was quite OK. Yea, I have more pics, just a little short on time(lazy) to upload them all. But anyway, the project there, well, not bad. Quite impressed with the quality of work being done by the team. We didn't win anything, but again, good effort.

That was our floor plan for the SPA. Yea, good job. And no, I don't want to hear anything about the other group smashing down columns and not respecting the privacy of the users. Back from Batam and I received a warm welcome from my bike! ^^V. Took it out to Changi. Reached East Coast from West Coast in 34mins 52 seconds. Rather impressive I must say for a comeback.
The bike, at Changi. I enjoyed the ride, solo. Nothing holding me back and nothing pushing me forward. ^^V
HOT CHOCOLATE!!! ^^V! Yea, I think that sums it up. After ITP was BP, after BP was Batam, and after BATAM is now currently MDR.

A lot of other stuf happened luhh. Like Les getting his new wheels and how he scared the shit out of us. Dinner where 'The Island' idea came up. Ouh, got an accounting paper tomorrow and now setting up my bike to meet Mr "I've spend $150 on petrol". Yea, I think that's all, nothing else significant I guess.

"Nothing holding me back and nothing pushing me forward."

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Yes uh! BP submission is finally over. All 13 drawings submitted on time. However, a few rules were broken again. No matter how much I try to rush some people, it just doesn't seem to work. All the time I save for you guys, you guys just wasted it idling away. That's not what I'm here for. I feel so under utilized. Next on the agenda, AHS title block was leaked. Somehow, some people got their hands on the title block. Only Joel, David, Fadhil, Harith, Ding Sian, Hoe Khang and Sumo was suppose to receive the title block. So, yes, time to own up. How did the title block leak? It took some effort luhh, although it's not perfect, at least we had a scaled up location plan, scale bars, project title, and project reference number. So yes, it is a sensitive issue if the title block is leaked.

After submission, had quite a time at IMM, but then reach home and was flat out on my bed. For TWELVE long hours. WOOO HOOO. What a sleep. Woke up at 7am today and the sun was welcoming me to the day that lie ahead. A perfect day to start. Played flight simulator, and there was just something wrong with the navigation. There is no way I could set the autopilot to follow the beacons, why?! To make matters worse, the flight director caught the wrong glideslope on today's landing. Quite scary. I was on approach to Jakarta, 1500ft in the air when, eyes fixed on the glideslope the Inner Marker rang. I looked out of the cockpit and saw the runway threshold disappear underneath the 777 which I was landing. And no, I did not attempt to land the plane, I radio-ed the tower and went around. Second approach and I was still using the glideslope hoping it would spring back to life. It didn't, I missed the second approach. The third approach was a visual one, and yupz, the glideslope was screaming for me to pull up when the plane has already landed safely. Crazy instruments.

After that no life session, guess what? I went to school for a more no life session. I felt like re-doing the presentation boards for JC 3. AMBITIOUS, but rubbish. I only have the site plan out so far, and that is not even complete.

AFTER both that no life session, I went to get my life back. A ride to East Coast Park, I was on my hybrid with Mr Smug on his Trek 1000. First, he had a flat tire, he fixed that and came right out. Then I had a flat tire, I thought it was a normal on-going problem. We cycled to the gas station where smug commented, 'not bad uh, 30km/h on a flat'. Once we were there, the tire couldn't be pumped! There was just something wrong. Thankfully however, there was another roadie on a full carbon bike who lent us his pump. He actually did more then that, he pumped it for me. We were rolling smoothly until we hit town, where my tire had another meltdown. This time we were sure it's the tube. We pushed the bike to the LBS at waterloo, and OH NO! It's closed. So we sat there, thinking of the next plausible action. Being guys, we can't decide quickly, and thank god for that, because a mechanic came out of the shop, presumably to go home. Sumg pounced on the opportunity and asked him to change my tire. $10 for that service but it was worth it. Today, it was just MEANT for us to reach EAST COAST.

And we did. We reached east coast. Figure out there was nothing to do. Ate BK. Went back. Same shit different day huh?

The ride back, was predictable and smooth. The only climax was the flyover at Commonwealth, Smug sprinted on his Trek 1000, screamed out 'ARRRGHHHH' as he approach the climb. I was next and I stood up and paddled hard. That was when I realised, my MOUNTAIN BIKE, with 28c wheels was overtaking the Trek. What a moment that was. This just proves the point. 'It's not what you ride, it's how fast you can ride it.' But I have to admit, we're both out of shape for such a ride.

So yes, wrapping it up after BP! ^^V. Hmmm, and yea, maybe a ride on Tuesday, the four fastest bikes we have in our collection, me on my DMG road, Wynn you'll be taking the Aleoca XT, KT on his Cannondale, Smug on his Trek. That would be quite a sight. DMG, ALEOCA, CANNONDALE, TREK zooming past at let's say 32km/h? That should be maintainable. Maybe we just go town for satay or something. Xingg, if you want to join can uh, open to Iman and David also.

"It's not what you ride, it's how fast you can ride it."

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Industrial Training Programme

Yup, as the title says it. The Industrial Training Programme is finally over. About time! Definately learned a lot, stuff like the datum line, handicapped toilets and access, a whole new breed of AutoCad commands and most importantly, how things work in the real world.

Discipline is definitely a must have in the real world. Patience is also part and parcel of life in the working world. Two of the important qualities that a road cyclist must have as well. Lucky me. Been missing out on a lot of road mileage, and yes, you guys have a point. You guys are working and can still afford to spend hours on the bike. I can't. I'm sorry, I'm still young. Somesort.

Back to school TOMORROW! Yeah, quite excited, and yup, thanks to the ITP, I have been re-motivated to go all out for this semester. No thanks to my lecturers, who are so uninspired and leave me so sick and tired. Maybe it's their idea of tough love, but really, I don't see them trying to pull me out of this mess.

My plans are re-edited! Yeah! Left the IC's, handicapped access route, ramp calculation, vehicular ramp and the GFA calculation. After that is on to the section and elevation where I would have to re-confirm the storey height and building height. Honestly speaking, there is still a lot to do. So yeap, have to manage my time well.

Diploma plus. I must admit, not bad indeed. 9 hours, 9 topics and a B+ grade. "Allowed to continue in the course" was all I wanted to read and that was what was written. Perfect. Taking accounting this year and lessons are on Monday. Ends at 8.30pm. :'(

YES! It's my birthday this FRIDAY! And NO!!! Nike 10k Human Run on 24th October! That means no ride on 23rd October(my b'dae).. NOOO!!! WHY YOU MUST GO PARTICIPATE?! And when I was just about to head down to Vivo for a quiet weekend, NO WAY! Xbox gamefest thing going on, starts 23rd October.. :'( WHAT THE HELL MAN. And BP submission is the week after. ARGH!!! It's already Sunday and I don't have a concrete plan for Friday. This, is, bullshit.

And I would like to say a big THANK YOU to my brakes. I was cycling at my NORMAL speed down a corridor, the lift opened and a small boy came out. I was a mere 5 meters away. I slammed both the brakes, front sus went down, back wheel came flying up but my feet was already on the ground. The little boy screamed as the bike came to a complete halt half a meter away from him. His mum came out with a stunned face and I apologize dramatically before flee-ing the scene of the crime. PHEW. Brakes is one of the areas where you should really spend money on. Either that, or get a totally lousy bike which would never exceed 20km/h. Yup, that's consumer advice from Callum.

" uninspired and leave me so sick and tired"

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Just in time

Was cleaning my bike, realized it looked quite good, so I took a pic. It's not a recent pic though, this was a pic taken quite a while back. But anyway, time to spread the good news.

Changed the pads on my roadie, now it's very very very very very very responsive. But no idea what's the clear advantage, since I hardly use the brakes anyway. And if I need to slam it very hard, I honestly believe it would be the last time I would be slamming the brakes.

Anyway, next good news. The hybrid came in just in time! WooHoo!
There it is. Fully set-up, and tuned, almost ready to hit the road. Just missing the pedals. Gears are all clicking with speed and precision.. ^^V

Dual Control Levers. 2006 model. A real hassle when you have to change the derailleur cable. In 2006, they haven't considered the 'user-friendly-ness' level of a product. You had to remove part of the casing just to access the cables. Newer models have holes in which the cable would just slot itself in and out. But heyy, I'm happy!

There is a serious problem with the frame. If you notice carefully, the rear brakes is below the seat stay. But oh well, it can't be helped. A few millimeters of miscalculation could be very costly. Because the rear brakes are reversed, the rear derailleur cable and the rear brake cable are almost crossing one another. But again, oh well, can't be helped.

So aniwae, yes, that was what I was doing for the week. Same thing uh actually. Wake up in the morning, go to work, come home, set-up the bike and be in bed by 11pm.

"...with speed and precision.."

Monday, October 5, 2009

To Halim

THANK YOU. Thank you for today at ITP. Although Mdm Teoh was our Liason Officer you picked up the call the moment it rang. THANK YOU.

I guess I was wrong about everything. I'm sorry. You were right. ABOUT EVERYTHING.

This world is not what I pictured it to be. A hell lot of shit happened man, and a hell lot of things to think about.

First, my presentation board was copied. Perfect, I was trying to help someone by lending him my laptop and great. I get what I deserved.

Next, I was literally screwed during a competition while other people seem to have life easy. I'm not letting this one go. How heartless must you be to NOT GIVE ME A BREAK!? Seriously dude, I was fasting, I'm dehydrated, I'm tired from riding. You're one fuck-ed up guy

Third, I'm always shutting up when the team gets scolded. So when one guy fucks it all up, we all get blamed. Oh well, it's absorbed. You have no idea how patient I am to be this calm when you scolded me, and when I was getting scolded because of you. Trust me, you have no idea.

Fourth, crashed my mountain bike for good. Zebra Crossing at Ayer Rajah food centre. I looked right and raised my hand up to warn and incoming car that I was crossing. I looked left and a motorcyled honk-ed as it sped by. I swerved my bike, no hands on any brake lever, the pedal got clipped on the central curb. The bottom bracket's gone and worse, the frame's dent. Stupid mistake. My feet took part of the damage, but the pain is wearing out.

Fifth, nearly got fired. How dumb must you be to SLEEP during working hours?! Come on. So here it is, THANK YOU again Halim. And ZS was really brave to speak up, I was just dumbfounded and muted during the conversation with the director.

(This one not for Halim)
Finally. I really really miss you! Life seems so different. Maybe I've been through worse but you were always there. Now that you're gone, I'm really feeling the pressure. I just want you here, with me.

So, to sum up. a very big THANK YOU to Halim and Mdm Teoh for saving us today. I'm really grateful. Maybe I will fail to express it, but I just want you to know that I'm thankful.

Thank you.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Loss

Someone once told me that it would be 'my loss' if I didn't cycle with him. Well, I'm very sure some people have heard my comments on that, but you know. Just to rub salt in the wound, let's see who is really on the losing end.

That, was a cute sign I saw stuck on the rear of a car. The diagram however, is just wrong. It looks like the seat stay is poking in the cyclist arse and the cyclist seems to be holding on to the rims. But hey, whatever, it's cute.

So aniwae. Today, the plan, go butterfly, gangsa, scorpion, woodcutter and finally BT. Ambitious, but rubbish. I thought today go BT onli, I kena scammed. The day started out freaking cool. We had a convoy of vehicles carrying a convoy of bikes.

We went straight into butterfly after all the bikes were set-up proper. For the first part in, I was stuck behind this guy, on a Giant FS bike. Wahhh, he damn sibei slow until I sibei tired. Ok luhh slow, buh on butterfly trying to go slow on my bike, is torture. My bike is freaking heavy, so if no momentum, nid a lot of power to roll over stuff. Which was what happened luhh. But finally! He gave way, and I caught up with the leader, just to be overtaken by Ian, who then decided to speed down with the leader leaving me and lionel to lead one another. Wah, and Lionel scared the shit out of me also. On one of the turns, his extremely thick tire surprisingly lost traction, so he stopped and I was speeding behind, so I slammed my brakes, but another guy was speeding behind me! Lucky that guy went around both of us.

After that grandmother story, we reach the halfway point.

Nice sia. All the bikes lined up. Makes my bike look a lot better than it actually is! Anyway, the light blue bike is Lionels. Swee sia. And the red one is mine, for those of you who dunnoe.
The trails by the way. Freaking dirty. My V-Brakes had a hell of a time trying to clear mud off the rims. However, I think, the most interesting part of today's ride was Ian's crash. Wah, really had me stunned. But he's ok.
Yea, that's him. On my bike. His injuries was quite serious actually, he had problems walking out, so he kind of just rolled out with my bike. Since it's working. And really, this is not some joke crash.

That's a CARBON FIBER handle bar, and it's CRACKED. So just imagine the impact. But oh well, that's life shit happens. Having great fun at the trails every single time but it's really very taxing on the bike. So I don't know, remind me again how it is my loss?

Aniwae, Ian went to the hospital and got checked out. But his bike, that's another story. I was cleaning his bike luhh.
It was freaking dirty man. I think there was mud stuck there since 1985!
Aniwae, I cleaned his frame and D's, the tires were really gone case. Too much mud on it man. Just wait for it to dry off and then let it fall out or something. But aniwae, to Ian. 'TAKE CARE'.

Wah, my bike however, haiz, a hell lot more mud. The only parts I had motivation to clean was the drivetrain, the rims, and the brakes. And that's it. Everything else was just covered. Buh, it looks nicer that way. I think.

So yea. That's bascially what happened today. And nope, doesn't feel like a loss to me.

"...damn sibei slow until I sibei tired"


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Wooo! Finally had another go at BT. Ahaha, went slow on the downhill that killed my D that time around, and yea, came out fine. Was with my classmate, well, to say the least, he was very 'daring'.. The sound of him CHARGING down the hill is unforgetable. But still, had a good time, could have more fun if we were really attacking every single hill.

Still feel like going again though, I'm still getting owned by some small hills. What a disgrace man, a 68kg guy, on a mountain bike getting own-ed by some 100 year old HUMP. Urgh.

My relatives from Malaysia, about time they came down, and what a shock I got. I never imagined them like that. Met most of my relatives also, and yea, I know, I grown slimmer right? Thanks!

Work, is damn boring. I mean, seriously. We've given so much time to do some simple stuff. Wah, where's the challenge. It's getting damn boring man.

Wah, the Sunday going KR. Dunnoe if I actually invited or not. Buh argh! I want to stay out late sat nite! Buh nvm, really want to go KR also. As usual, see how lor..

Anything else to say? Oh ya!


It's an advice to some people, I mean, seriously, don't ever ever challenge someone with a hell lot more experience. It NEVER ends well. Seriously, the people with more experience are usually better, they're usually just too tired to show, until a competition comes out. Really. Or maybe it's just the tone in which you speak. Just stop, take a step back and listen to yourself. Sometimes you really sound offending.

And my phone, seems very quiet nowadays. Haiz, this is life, shit happens.

Now I really don't know what I want in life. Seems like I've been through almost everything I wanted to go through. I'm happy, somesort.

"Know your place"

Monday, September 21, 2009

Hari Raya

Yeah! It's Hari Raya! And blogger is working again!!!! WHEEE!!!!! So, let's try posting a pic!

YEAH! It worked! That was the Kinetic Art project. See! It's real! I wasnt CK-ing.

Won 5th place and $2000 by the way. But sadly, dunnoe if we can keep the prize money. Basically Singapore Poly sent 2 teams, and the other team kinda spent around $2000. So maybe the prize money will go back to the school and stuff, but heyy, I can't care less. Actually I care a bit luhh, could use a little cash to fund my bike. ^^V

I have no idea how to rotate the pic, so just rotate your head. That was what I was doing at work. Damn no life lei!! Cut model... Haiz..

And there it is. My pride and joy. My hybrid and my road, together, side by side, warms the heart doesn't it?

Anyway, a few specs on the hybrid. Aleoca XT frame, Shogun fork, SIS Tourney, Magnum Crank, Wellngo pedals, riser bar, Deore DCL, 27" wheels(110 psi), and shit as brakes.. ^^V

Alrite, I guess all that is covered. And yea, maybe most of you heard, taking a break with my girl, for about a month, hopefully she comes back just in time for my birthday. ^^V. Maybe that's what she planned? Yea rite, big dreams.

AND! Before I forget! Selamat Hari Raya!! haha, cycling was fun. 'Hari Raya Time Trial'.. That seriously lighten me up despite all the 'piss-ness' going around.

Wah! And I going off-road in a few hours, and still awake.. Oh well, how to sleep after a 'time-trial' like that. I love how you guys tell me things when you think I'm ready. Really helpful and keeps my ego in check.

Finally, a quote before I end off, not mine luhh, but it's nice...

"It's not about how much power you have, but how much power you can actually put down"


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Human Resource Management


You suck. REALLY. You do. I can't belive it. After all I've done, after everything I've been through, you are still treating me like shit. I'M TIRED. How come I don't get a break? Hello, my activities are more energy consuming compared to theirs. They end at 3am, I end at 6.30am!!! They need to report by 2pm, I'm reporting in at 10am! WHERE'S THE FAIRNESS?!

It's a team project ok, and I'm tired, and I also have other commitments. What the shit man. Yes we won, but I don't seem to be very happy do I? Ever wondered why? Ever bothered to ask me why I'm so tired, ever bothered to ask me why I'm so crossed? It's you. You're the freaking reason.

Fuck you all luhh. I have my limit, I can only push myself that far for that long. I'm running on very little sleep and seriously, I'm dehydrated half of the time. It's the fasting month, where's your respect for that? While you guys were happily waking up to grab something to eat, I'm already awake doing work.

Why am I so crossed? Maybe because the person who was slacking all these while seems to have things easy and the ones doing all the work seemed to be pressured into doing more work. And I can't believe how everyone credited her for OUR work. She went missing, we had a new plan that was workable. Where's my credit? I should be welcomed back as a hero, not some bangla worker forced to do more labour.

And fuck you all again luhh. Cancel cycling. nb. I'm doing something that my passion is driving me to do ok, and you shold be thankful I'm letting that go to make way for this piece of fake shit. How come you guys can't cancel your plans? How come I have to wrap around your schedule. GO FUCK YOURSELVES. That's all I really have to say. I'm really crossed and pissed to the extent that if one of you die, I'll be smiling so wide that my face is split in half.


Had a very bad week. Very very bad week. I'm tired, it's the fasting month and all, and I'm just naturally tired, dehydrated at times even. To make matters worse, someone had to come in and get crossed about everything.

Give me a break luhh, you rejected all my advice and now you expect me to do something about the situation. Dream on, I'm just a boy, I'm not a hero. We had the worst team leader to begin with, you should be thankful I stepped up and did something. And I still don't get it, why am I taking all the blame? I did in 3 days what she could never accomplish in three weeks. I deserve some credit or at least cut me some slack luhh.

Really you know, I'm tired. It's the fasting month, so I wake up at 5 every morning to eat. Then report to work and unlike the rest of the team, I'm dismissed at around 7.30. I really just want to go home, eat and rest. But no, you just couldn't let me could you? Ask the other fucking team members luhh, they're not fasting, they're not working overtime. Im running on fumes and you still expect me to run at top speed.

And it's freaking unfair that when the other members say that they can't meet means we don't meet. But when I have stuff on, I HAVE to cancel it. Yea, that's very fair. Very. And ya luhh, don't freaking tell me, 'Who ask you to cycle?'. Ccb, who ask me to be here in the first place. You have no idea how much I rather be out there on my bike rather then stuck in a room with a half hearted team. So be grateful I turn up for this fake shit. But really man, it's damn unfair, how come you guys NEVER have to cancel any of your plans? How come despite you guys ending work early, nobody could start on the project first? Why do I need to be there? Goodness.

And it's not funny you're using up my paint. I really wanted to paint something with that. I brought it with the intention that we could use it economically. And how come I have to buy the paint? You practically live next to Jurong Point. Basted.

Seriously, back to the main point. Why the hell are you so crossed at me? Freak, I wake up at 5am, end work at 7.30pm, rushed down to do the stupid stuff, cycled till 3am and got some shut eye before 5am again. Two hours of sleep and my work is usually overtime. You're pushing your luck la. And the freaking leader, sit there play facebook, ccb, do something luhh. Everytime go there only a few people doing stuff.

Was cheated off also. When I lend you my laptop, I really expected my privacy to be respected. I can't believe you opened up my project files and what's worst? You copied it. Your laptop wasn't working, so I lent you mine, goodness, I am so freaking weak. Should have just left you there.

Ahhh, I really feel like I'm used. Yes, I was ok with not getting credited, yes I was ok with you copying my work. The keyword here is WAS. Sometimes maybe you just forget how much I'm really pulling, I'm nice, but just remember I could just stop.

Feels like Im going around in circles, but really, the main spark here was someone being unreasonable. I'm tired, really. I'm still recovering from a cycling accident ok, I'm really not starting to like you. You rushed me all the way down, in my current state and let someone else relax and play facebook. Why not you give me a break and utilize whoever is there. You might not need me, but I'm not doing this for you either. Remember that.

Monday, September 7, 2009


HI GUYS! Blogger is still dead! So anyway, I'll try to wrap up EVERYTHING.

HOLIDAYS are here! But no holiday for me. Industrial Training Programme. Attached at MKPL Architects. So far, first day, sounds like a fun firm. but let's see how things go.

Fell off my road bike again. Took a direct hit at the shin. Pain I tell you. Whole body aching, up till now.

My hybrid bike is almost set up. Got my dual control levers, wheels and pedals. Left a long flat bar and a chain. I'm still not sure how to set-it up yet. But there's always time to learn.

Kinetic competition. Alrite, we finally have something, but we started so late, I don't know if we can finish it on time. I really hope we could.

Ubin camping trip. Uhh, not sure about that. No promises but I would really love to go. :)

Ouh, changed my phone. Changed my number. I'll update most of you guys when the time comes.

My crit, went ok I guess. Overall quite happy. GEMs presentation went well as well. Management paper however, haiz. Let's all just beocme religious and pray shall we?

Fasting is turing out great. Only one day didn't fast, thanks to cycling, but hey, I wanted to celebrate. So there we go.

Ouh, hope you liked the song!

You're never getting back your guitar by the way!

Wah! Lucky that Sunday rain. I was really going to fly aeroplane, damn tired on that Sunday.

Anything else or not? Ouh! New car to add to the cars I would love to drive list. The Lotus Evora and the Lamborghini LP-670 4 SV. Quite cool, both of them.

Jamming anytime soon? I don't know. How's the studio coming along? Haven't been on my electric for a long time also.

Wah, and that time say break fast together, now what happen? Only 2 weeks left, so must quickly plan. I usually end work around 7 at City area there, so I really don't know how it's going to work out.

I think that's all uh.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Falling Asleep

I was a little worked out with life yesterday night, so at 12mn I decided to take the bike out for a leisure roll. I didn't know where I was headed and I didn't know when I'll be back, but that was the point. Shouldn't plan too much, it only adds to the worries list.

There was another cyclist on a white mountain bike. He was climbing up NUS, so I gave chase. It was the fastest you ever seen me move up a hill. To my dismay however, I lost sight of him as I was rolling down to cheese. He was totally gone, as though he vanished into thin air. Either that or he turned in somewhere and I didn't notice.

So anyway, I went to West Coast Park and laid down for a while, while looking at the stars. It was 1am when I did that. My MP3 was play Tonight by FM Static. The last thing I remember was 'tonight I've fallen and I can't get up'. When I woke up however, it was 3 in the morning and my body was aching. I was freezing as well, so was the bike. The saddle was cold, the handlebar was cold and the shifters was cold. It really "helped" that I had to cycle home. So with my eyes half open I cycle home. Took a shower, ate and went flat on the bed.

Monday, August 17, 2009

How well do you know me?

Have you always wondered which friend true-ly care? And have you ever wondered who are just there? Well I have, so here's a series of questions about me. See how many you can ACTUALLY answer.

My Favorite Colour? : _ _ _ _

My Favorite Drink? : _ _ _ _ _ _ _

My Favorite Dish : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

My Favorite Sport : _ _ _ _ _ _

Those are the questions that you should be able to answer if you spend time observing me.

My Favorite Band : _ _ _ _ _

My Favorite Song : _ _ _ _ _ _

My Favorite EPL Player : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

My Favourite Plane : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-_ _ _

My Favourite Jet : _/_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

It's getting harder isn't it? If you can't answer those question I really don't know why you bother talking to me.

My Neighborhood : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

My Storey : _ _

That's a giveaway for those who came to my house before. Alright, the final question, if you can answer this, means you're either my girlfriend or you're my best friend.

My Surname : _ _ _

(Yes, I have a surname. I'm part Chinese actually, but not to confuse you guys I like to just say that I'm malay.)

So, do you really think you know me?

(P.S. Blogger has some problems with the spacing. But oh well. Some are actually 2 words)

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Moving on sure is hard, especially if you keep coming back. What a great day that was, we should do that more often. Rite, so, again, summary for the week.

Had dinner with Mau, quite surprised he was in school, STUDYING.

Congratulations to those who have started their University Term.

And Hello to those who joined the Poly Life.

Good luck to those taking A's and O's Level.

And try not to fail for those having their exams.

A few more weeks and this archi term will be over and then it's going to be me, you, our bikes and the miles of open road.

I'm in love all over again.

Our relationship is really being strained, but this is where we'll know if it will ever work out.

Everything else is sounding good. The guitar is sounding great, my ever so familiar sms ringtone is putting a smile on my face.

Starting to look on the bright side of things now, because we all know it, things have a way of playing out.

No quotes, just one big smile. (:

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Blogger got problem again. Want to post also cannot post. GO and DIE luhh stupid blog. By the way, hope you like the song!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Slow and Relaxed

My ass luhh slow and relaxed. The day started out very early, like 11am. Wa lao, cannot let me sleep is it? Anyway, at 4pm somebody had to call and you had to go. Wasted. Then then then! Went to play basketball. Wa lao eh, fun but physical. After being tired out from jumping around, went to play soccer. Wa lao eh, nearly got owned by some indians, luckily, I fought back and put two goals in for the team. At least save some face eh. AFTER THAT! Still got cycling. Knnccb, cycle so fast until my leg want to cramp.

Keppel Bay, freaking nice place. Too bad got the haze uh, so no stars. Some truth did shine. Mr XINGG. Very funnie uh, 'YOU KNOW WE SEARCH FOR YOU HOW TIRING OR NOT'. WE?!?! W E !?!?. HELLO! Wa lao, fly aeroplane while your FRIEND is missing uh. Me and Lionel on full sus tired then still waiting for you and then another guy on another full sus came down looking for us. Then you on your hardtail sit there wait complain about the sun summore! Basket. Anyway, THANKS for waiting luhh. ok? I owe you guys one.

Wah, west side group. Ride until damn fast. RELAX uh! Tomorrow national day eh! Rush home for what! say speed '20~25km/h' and then turn out is '30~40km/h'. NOT FUNNIE LEI! My leg cramming then still ride so fast. My third chain ring also got problem, so was on the second chain ring, cadence damn high eh. Quite surprised that gear can hit 40km/h. Anyway, fixed that chain ring problem already, so next time you all say slow and relaxed, I'M PREPARED. Seriously, next time must cycle with relaxed people, like Ah Bi, that guy quite relaxed, or Romeo. Mountain Bike eh, mine damn heavy eh, the sus working somemore. Yea, but sia luhh, a lot of power uh you guys. Until the climb uh, then all suddenly slow down to 15km/h. -.-

To sum it up, knnccb. Next time slow and relaxed cycle SLOW and RELAXED luhh. Don't tell me 30~40km/h is your slow and relaxed. That's road speed man.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Raw Power

Power is everything. Too little and you're done for, too much and you don't even want to know what will happen.

Honestly, everything is going kind of wrong for me. Oh well, that's life shit happens doesn't it? I have to give up something in life. Something have to go man, I'm too busy to focus on one thing, my heart and my soul is never in one place. ARGH!

Anyway, cycling, very fun. Just some tips for those preparing to go long, very long distance. Power is everything. Just remember that. Power is everything. You need to have power for the climbs, power for the sprints and power for the distance. Again, power is everything. Technique is quite important as well.

Just because someone else does it, doesn't mean you have to do exactly the same. Pick your cadence, high revs or low revs is up to you, but I personally prefer a high cadence as opposed to using the monster gear. Again, it's personal reason. Climbs are torturing, so train hard and climb high. Burst are the most fun part of the ride, also the most tiring. It's pure power. So yea, basically, keep an eye on the road ahead, and for goodness sake, keep and eye on what's behind you. Falling out at that speed will be a disaster. Once you got your path lined it, get up and dance, maintain the cadence. When you're feeling comfortable get down, stay low and maintain that cadence and maintain that speed. Hold on to the bike. Fingers on brakes and keep your line clear, estimate your turning radius, it's going to be one fast turn. Know your limits. If you can't turn at that speed, don't. The brakes are there for a reason, use them.

I had an experience of sliding out during a turn. Not the best experience and definitely not one I would want to go through again. Basically 'speed is your friend'. When turning in, commit. Either give it all you can or brake hard and corner flat. Raise your pedal when turning fast. The bank angle is surprisingly high. The pedals might strike. Recovery is important once you slide out. Don't lay there and complain, get up, get off the road. Safety first, recover your bike later. Trust me on this. Please.

Preparing for a long ride is equally important. Overlook this part and you'll be in for miles of suffering, over do it and you're carrying extra weight. Obviously, check the bike. (duh!). Next, carry a spare tube, cash, and a fully charged mobile phone. Other things you might need would be like snack bars, (seriously, you'll get hungry), water and if it's a long touring ride, a camera would be nice. Don't carry those bottles with caps and stuff, carry sports bottle and just squirt the drink in. Wake up early before the ride, have a good meal two hours before the ride and then make sure you're properly hydrated. You might not see the point of this, but this would help you keep your focus, give you the strength and lessen the amount of water you need during the ride.

Ride in groups. Form a pace line. This will decrease the amount of effort required to overcome the aerodynamic drag. There are different tactics employed for different situations, so cycle in a group and gain the experience. Learn, don't copy. The important part about cycling in a group is to keep in mind that there are riders around you. Cycle safe and predictably, keep an eye out for things laying in the road and always signal when you're pulling out of the pace line.

Yea, so cycling is not as straight forward as getting on the bike and pedaling. There's a lot of thought and planning mixed with the soul and passion and the grilled with the pain and suffering when it comes to long rides. Power is everything.

"get up and dance"

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Mona Lisa

Right, long time no post. Been busy lately, really.

I'm currently taking a break from doing my architectural project. I've restarted all my plans and stuff. Long way to go man. I've just finished all the floor plans. There's still the site plan, the roof plan, section A-A, section B-B, elevation 1 and elevation 2 to finish. After that there's 3d modelling to be done and following that the 8 A1 presentation boards are close on its heels. Doesn't end there, HTA essay is due very soon and I've still got that marketing project lingering around. RWP individual presentation shares the same dateline as the marketing presentation.

There's something wrong with blogger again, so, no pics, again. Right, how do I round up my life so far? Well, I watched the NDP preview, that was awesome. Won't want to spoil it for you so just catch it on 9th of August. Cycled at Bukit Timah, well, that was fun but tiring. My bike is seriously heavy, felt it when trying to get around obstacles. Either that or I'm really really weak. Anyway, I got lost and the group searched for me.

THANK YOU. Really, thank you for searching despite all the plans you guys had after the ride. THANK YOU. for staying under the sun and waiting. THANK YOU. But, really, I can only try my best to make it this Sunday. I would really love to join, but I've got to admit, I'm lagging behind in class, no matter how fast I work it will all come undone if I spend the time I've saved cycling around. Once again, THANK YOU.

Not clocking up the Road Hours either. There's always something going on. Always. I wish this academic year ends. I need the ride. It's the only thing keeping me in check against a very competitive world. Which brings me to my next point.

It's time to check who is really your friend. Looks like I've lost. Everyone does have a hidden motive. Everyone does break, everyone hangs on to their morals, but once a situation arises it gets thrown out of the window. The scary part is when everyone turn on their friends. Friends are there for you, yet you swindle them, you take them in just to throw them out. It's wrong. There's only one way to find out who really are your friends, test them to the limits and see who can still care.

Here's some lyrics from a song.

"Here's another pity there's another chance
Try to learn a lesson but you can't.
If we can burn a city in futures and in past,
Without a change our lives will never last.
Cause we're going fast.

You can sit beside me when the world comes down,
If it doesn't matter, then just turn around.
We don't need our bags and we can just leave town.
You can sit beside me when the world comes down.

What can we do better, when will we know how?
A man says from a sidewalk to a crowd.
If we can change the weather, if you wanted to yourself. If you can't
I guess we all need help, yeah, I need help."

Read it, it makes perfect sense.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Weakness

You guys are so freaking weak. Don't talk about your dreams, you will never achieve it. Don't dream about the riches, you will never have it. Just don't.

Almost every single plan I make with you guys will get canceled. You know why? Because you guys are uncommitted, immature, and weak. PROJECTS. What a very bad joke. Inefficient. Face it, that's what you are. Too slow then and still too slow now. One day without sleep and you can't take it? Want to hear my story? Hello, what course do you think I'm in? My course robs me out of sleep, 2 to 3 hours max sleeping time and during submissions if you can get 5 minutes you're lucky. Cannot ride? Fucking pussy or what?! What the fuck are you on? Pussy juice? I'm not asking you to do a 160km lap, I'm not asking you to climb Mount Faber. I'm asking you to come out and meet me for dinner. So what the fuck are you on?

Go ahead, mock me. I might never be Lance Armstrong, but you have no idea how fucking glad I am that I'm not you. I'm not saying I'm better, I'm saying you give in too easily. What the fuck la dude, what the shit did you expect? Party, girls and money? Wake up your bloody idea, forget dreaming about your future car because at this rate, you're be lucky to own a skateboard.

Yea, and I'm a man of my words. So the moment I sensed that our plans was going to be canceled, I made my own. And you guys just HAD to prove me right. You cracked under the slightest of pressure. It was just a small flex and you guys broke. Too easily. Weak.

So what's my weakness then? My weakness is that I still trust you. I plan to get rid of that.

'Just don't.'

Sunday, July 26, 2009


There is no words in my vocabulary to express my feelings to make you fully comprehend how it felt, how good it felt to finish a half island round. Sixty odd kilometers of road, two wheels and one cyclist. The ingredients were there to fill me up with one and a half hour of fun. Flat out fun.

The ride was good, went from West Coast, to Ang Mo Kio, to Woodlands and back down to West Coast. But you know what the best part was? It was 2am in the morning and the road was all mine. It was a non-stop ride, traffic lights were there, but there was no need to stop. There wasn't any traffic! Ive got to admit though, I was a little aggressive during the ride. There was an attack almost every twenty minutes. There was just that urge to go faster. The last attack as I rolled into West Coast Park was my favorite. The attack started as soon as I cleared the flyover, attacked the climb at NUS and then flicked to high gear for the descent.

Another positive factor about cycling at night is that the bike does not get dirty so easily, simply because of the lack of cars to spray their exhaust fumes on the frame. It was cooling as well. Water supply was more than sufficient and the bike just had to be wiped with a piece of dry cloth to remove dirt that came from the road, and that was it.

A few hours later however, I found myself on the saddle of my mountain bike. After a few hours of riding, my knee was busted, and as I cycled home on my bike, I've finally figured out why people who take up road never put it down. More than anything, it's the speed. Speed; relative rapidity in moving, going, etc.; rate of motion or progress. I'm not going to lie and say that the road is more comfortable, because it's not. But oh my, the speed. It's just the speed. It's never ever going to let you go. It's going to consume you.

Yea, it's just coming from me. Maybe I'm obsessed. Maybe it's only me. But yea, this is why I think the road stands as what it is today. Which begs the question, should you tamper with a road bike? Some people, ok, two people I know changed their dropped bars to flat. WHY?! Their argument is that it is more relaxed. But seriously? The bike is forcing you down and now you want to force yourself up? You're fighting the geometry. And what about aerodynamics? The best way to maintain the streamline is to stay on your drops, that is a fact, it's not here to be disputed. So what happens when you lose the drops? You lose that edge, you know that don't you? and Mountain Bike parts, they just don't belong on a road bike. The gear ratios are different if you haven't notice. Yes, there are some mountain bike parts that you can use, but really? Do you really want it? I don't know. That's just my stand. A hybrid is a nice idea, you get more comfort than a road and more speed than a mountain, but just think about what you're losing.. You're losing every single thing the road was striving for.

Sounds like total bullshit luhh for those who don't understand. But really sia, crossbreeds? That good of an idea? Last time, there was this kid, he had a road bike with a flat bar. He was quite proud of reaching 27km/h and sustaining that speed. erps. So yea, I don't know, just give me your comments or something on hybrids.

"It's never ever going to let you go"

Sunday, July 19, 2009

On the road

Hahah, well, everybody had a taste of what it was like to be on a road bike today. Not the easiest to cycle on huh? Well, congratulations on joining my ranks.

Congratulations to Mr Lin Jia Hong. Great fall, and even greater courage and bravery in getting up. I think we all had our laugh during the fall, but ahahaa, sorry for making you go down that slope, sorry for your jeans, sorry for your watch and thanks for trying. Really, from my heart, you were really brave.

The road bike. It is perfect piece of engineered machine isnt it? The geometry definately stunned most of you guys on the first try, but what makes it different makes it special. The seat is high, the handlebars are dropped and the structure is rigid. For a very good reason. You can find it out for yourself, but yea, that's my whole point. You won't know what I'm feeling until you really have tried it for yourself. No matter how much I talk about it, no matter how much I try to say, you will never get it unless you're doing it.

Short and sweet post. But yea, that was my day today. SUPPOSE to be a study session, but with bikes in the picture, everything changes doesn't it?

"It is perfect piece of engineered machine isnt it?"

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Today Dennis came back, he was transiting through Singapore to Australia, I think. Anyway, played soccer, some of us. Some people uh, really just could not spare one day to come out to play soccer, with us. Whatever the reason luhh huh. But yea, thanks to those who turned up. Wynn, Kumar, Jason, Jian Yao, Sam, Ian, Syazwan and two other people that we don't really know.

Wa lao, soccer was suppose to be relaxed eh. Chill uh, don't need to play until so aggressive. Haiz, took a tackle from behind, got me quite pissed. Oh well, it's just a game. By the way, just like to remind you guys I scored the finishing goal, thanks Jason.

Yea, that was a picture. Some of them left uh, so it was a part picture. After that however, played basketball. SP VS SA. A little unfair, SA had basketball trained players while SP had me. We had to prepare for dinner, so needed to make a quick basketball game. First to score 7 wins. SA started off with the lead, Ian scoring the first, Ian scores the second and Ian scores the third for SA. SP was 3 goals down and Jason thought he could quickly end it. '4 more goals only' was his exact words. Then, there was a turn of events. Jason took a shot, the ball smack the ring. Ian and Wynn was quick on the rebound. Wynn gets it. Throws it to me and I took the shot. IT'S IN! We're one up! Ian was commenting on the 'virgin goal'.

The game continues. The ball started and Wynn took the shot. IT'S IN AGAIN! We're one goal down. We start again. Syazwan takes the shot, and it's in the net! The scores are even. SA is now taking us seriously. We're back in the game. The ball restarts. It gets to Wynn, and he puts another one in for the team. Score is standing at 4-3, with SP in the lead. SA was taking this threat and marked our players. The ball gets to Syazwan again and he takes it! 5-3! The game restarts, Wynn takes the shot this time round, 6-3! SP only had one more goal. The ball was with me to start. Only one goal left, and I took the 3-point shot. IT GOES IN! We've won. 3 goals down and we're now 4 goals up. What a turn of event. But heyy, nice game, great moves and yea, lucky shots. OUH! And Jason, that last ball I put in was a three-pointer if you didn't notice.

Alright, I went home to shower, Wynn, Syazwan and Jason however showered in school, in the same cubicle. I'm not even going to say what happens next, but it was quite graphic. Alright, dinner was next, but I had to draw cash. So there I was queueing up and there were two inconsiderate people. Yea, that's why I was late. Really.

I met up with the guys and Dennis and Bryan was having a slight confusion. My phone was with Dennis and Bryan called. Dennis picked up the phone and thought it was me, Bryan was on the other end of the line and he thought it was me as well! Funny, but yea, confusion was cleared up. We took the sky train to T3 and well, things happened.

Yea, it's up to your imagination on what we were doing. So anyway, did you know that the MRT connects T2 and T3? Well, we didn't, so don't blame it on me. Thanks to my perfect timing though, we met Dennis right after he checked in, or after whatever he did, I'm really not good at remembering what people are doing.

Yup, that was us, walking. Towards the skytrain. Because SOMEBODY wanted to take it so badly.

Making our way to T2 for Fish & Co. and meeting Bryan.

That picture would mean that we made it to Fish & Co. Yea, that's my Teriyaki Salmon. Fish & Co. is not halal uh by the way, for those of you interested to go. So yea, had a meal and then moved on with life. By life I meant taking photos.

If you are wondering why my eyes were looking the other way, it was because SOMEBODY snapped the shutter at the count of 2.

That was all six of us. After that, was time to send Dennis off. No hugging or crying uh, since Dennis didn't want it. The rest of us was quite on though.

Bye-bye DENNIS! ahaha, ok, now that he's gone, next was us walking around.

Nice pic huh? Yea, walking around Terminal 3, quite boring though. So I though I'll liven things up.

Some sort. Yea, use your imagination.

A picture at the 'Daisy'. No idea what that was about. Art stuff.

My new boyfriend? Gay, I know. Shut up.
Our picture is in the reflection. Everyone was very smart to be looking at the camera LCD though.

Left Syazwan in the MRT to take 196 home. He's the guy in black. Yea, thanks to careful timing his face was blocked. DAMN.

In the bus towards Clementi. Haiz, well, that was it, our day out. I won't mind if this happens every month. Quite fun. Beats things I do nowadays. Yea, for those who wants the pic, I don't know how luhh, tell me then we'll think of something.

"'s up to your imagination"