Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Afternoon Ride

Yay! Finally rode in the afternoon!

Felt good. Drafting behind countless amounts of trucks, just zipping my way across West Coast Highway until finally reaching Mount Faber. Had a hell of a climb, descended and drafted my way all the way home again.

And when I was stuck at traffic, I pulled out my phone, and Twitted. AHAHAH! Yes, damn fun being able to twit from my mobile. Of course, reached home in record time. Now cycling to Faber feels like walking over to the next block.

Got a hell of a draft up Clementi Road. It was a dump truck, and it was pulling me at 40km/h, and then it had to slow down up the hill, and I was stuck behind it's tail. Cool. Thanks for the draft dude. Appreciated. Yes, I was like a pussy sticking behind a truck, but it requires balls to follow inches behind a 10-tonne truck. (exaggeration)

Next ride, hopefully on Friday, where I would ride to Changi, complete one lap of the TT circuit, an hopefully get a draft back home. Only complain however, is the roads.


Ahhhh, like hell it's irritating. Can't get the power down. And yes, now that I'm rested, I'm surprisingly able to pull 37km/h again. Maybe it's because it's in the afternoon, relatively lower humidity? So lesser air molecules, so lesser resistance? LOL. Sounds nerdy, doesn't even make sense.

And yes, with all these excitement, I haven't been reading. AHHH! I'm backlogging on books. AH! Then the competition and site visit is next week. Then school is going to start. Then I have to finish my holiday projects. Then I have to fix Leslie's bike. Then I, ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. That's just a lot of stuff to do.

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