Saturday, March 27, 2010

Rained on my parade.

Honestly. Rain sucks.

My day started out with the usual morning wake up sms. And then, once I got rid of that irritant, I continued with my daily life. Turned up the radio and tuned in to the AM Jam, prepared breakfast and powered up my computer. Glen, then logged in at 8.40, and yes, he's late for work. Again. Yet, he's proud of it. I am appalled by such bravery.Anyway, I finished fixing and cleaning Wynn's bike, to give it to Leslie.

Yea, a rudimentary bike, but, very practical. I rode that, with the basket all the way to CCK. Of course, the least I was expecting was a "Thank You". But, instead, the only words that I could clearly remember despite retrieving, fixing, cleaning and sending the bike over, was 'What a faggot'. Oh well. Typical Leslie.

And then, I took a bus home. The bus, was URGH. Vibrating like crazy. Not the most comfortable of buses I guess.

I did reach home eventually, pulled out my bike, and heavens doors open wide and the lord blessed us with water dropping down from the sky. For those of you who didn't get it, it rained. So yea, went to catch a few winks and woke up again at 8pm, and went along the predefined route.

Ok, getting to Changi was smooth.

If I had a better camera, then you guys would be able to see the majestic SIA 777 come in for a B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L touch down. Yes, that was the reason why I dragged my 64kg ass all the way out to Changi. Just to watch these magnificent piece of engineering perfection touch down on the WORLD'S BEST AIRPORT. (ahhh, proud to be a Singaporean).

Getting out of East Coast was another breeze. A MTB overtook me, and I was more then happy to stay on his back.
Yeap. After that, getting through town was another breeze, got a draft courtesy to SBS Bus Service number 131. A little to dangerous to take a snapshot while drafting something that big.

West Coast Highway, killed me. AAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH. There's so much construction work going on. The Circle line, and some cable works, entrance to Sentosa. Uneven tarmac was slamming on the bike at 37km/h which in turn slammed my balls and forced me down to a crawling speed of 27km/h. And I just couldn't recover after that. I wasn't riding after that, I was merely sitting on the bike.

So, dear Transport Minister, I urge you to fix West Coast Highway for the convenience of vehicles that do not come with pneumatic suspensions. Think about it, it'll only cost a few billion dollars, but, putting smiles on the faces of so many commuters, doesn't if just create that warm fuzzy feeling in your heart?



I'll just find another route.

But thanks for pretending to care. Appreciated.

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