Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Glide slope

Today. I have to admit. Must be my lucky day.

I woke up in the morning, with a big smile on my face. Turned on the radio and tuned it to 98.7 fm and the Am Jam was on.

Usual thing, prepared breakfast, took a shower. Sat down, read a book. Waiting for 11.40am where I can move off and supposedly meet the Singapore Polytechnic Canoe Captain for lunch. (yes! I'm friends with SP Canoe Captain. Wow!)

I cycled to school listening to 'Let's fall in LOVE again' playing on repeat, and was generally pleased with the pace of the ride. I arrived at 11:50 and Leslie, surprisingly, reached only 3 mins after me. Yes guys, a round of applause please, for Leslie.

So there we were, at T11a, scanning all the toilets to see if Jia Hong was busy cleaning them for his ITP. He wasnt, so we waited for TWENTY minutes at level 4. Leslie even got desperate and started asking around if anybody knew a 'Jia Hong'.

Surprisingly enough, nobody did.

So, we called, and called. And he finally picked up to deliver the news that he COULD NOT make it for lunch as he HAD A LOT OF WORK TO DO. Oh well. Dishearted, we wanted to move off. But we wanted to check the third storey of the CLS block to see if he's around.

The door, was by access card only. Again, dishearted, we decided to move off.


I had to pee.

And pee I did.

After we came out of the toilet, we headed towards the staircase.


There he was, standing at the restricted access door.

His face, was in complete shock.

He didnt have work to do. He just wanted to eat lunch with someone else.

Utter rejection.

Jia Hong, you have proved to us your powers by leaving Wynn, Glen and Leslie to have your sudden family dinner on Saturday. And who can deny your powers when you rejected me and Leslie, IN THE FACE, on that very fateful Tuesday.

Jia Hong. You are my Idol.


Rite, so, I've just finish a few architecture books. Not going to say the title though, you guys can find that out for yourself. But, two interesting buildings to look at.

( all rights reserves goes to him)

The DBS Tower in Singapore. Hey, it's more interesting then it looks.

And, another conceptual building.

Yea. Shouldn't elaborate more. Since some people might not get it anyway.


AND! I've finish the sections for my make believe house! I have the plans and elevation, but, they're not so interesting.

SO! I'll hopefully have the presentation panels up by next month or something? Then I can hopefully explain the concept, structure, so on and so forth. Fun sia. Doing work, without the pressure.


Alright. So. There was only one way, to end off my day. With a ride.




Wanted to train on strength this week. Decided to climb Faber. ^^V

Started out GREAT! Had a slight tailwind. And was pushing 35km/h with ease. Very very quickly got to Faber.

Getting up Faber however, was a different story. Like all climbs, it's slow and painful. And despite my best efforts to attack the hill at the foot. (by attack, I mean to mount a sprint/climb) I still found myself dancing desperately on the pedals painfully crawling at a mere 16km/h up.

It felt pathetic. Faber is quite a challenge. Unlike most hills in Singapore, the only time when Faber levels out is when you're nearing the peak. So, you climb painfully. Either that, or you climb slowly. I'll chose pain. (it wasnt really painful la, 16km/h onli, could have pushed myself further).

After peaking though, the fun began. Descend. The turns and the grip was just spectacular. I felt at total ease hurling myself down at 40+km/h. Even overtook 2 cars during the descend. However, there was a moment.

42km/h and it was a sweeping left turn. I slammed the bike in like I usually do without lowering the speed, and oh my, it wasn't turning as sharply as I thought. My gaze was fixed at the kerb which I though I was going to slam. In desperation, I tapped the brakes, and oh my, it barely made it. The bike was on the brick path before I could pull it level. Oh well. Life is short.

Live fast. Die Young.

After that, made a turn home. As I was approaching West Coast Highway, nearing Haw Par Villa, I saw a group of container trucks in front, and I thought, 'How would it feel like to draft one of them?'

Opportunity came. They stopped at the red light. I caught up, went for my bottle but all the water has been used for the climb up Faber. Alright then, waited for the lights to turn green, let them pass me.

I was on a gear that was a tad bit too high. I failed to match the acceleration of those heavy machines. It took some effort, and a hell lot of determination. I sprinted.

38km/h.... 44km/h.... 49km/h... 56km/h... 58km/h...

I'm not a sprinter. But when I looked up, and noticed that I was reeling the truck in. I was motivated. I was all fired up. I held 58 and soon, I was drafting a massive container truck.

How does it feel to go 54km/h without any resistance?


The truck maintained 54km/h and I was right there, behind it. Oh man. OH MAN. Ok, imagine that moment that you're ejaculating, imagine if you held that moment for 2 minutes. That was how it felt. That was how it felt. 2 freaking minutes at 54km/h. No amount of dreaming can prepare you for that. It was so calm. Nothing was blowing in your face. Nothing.

Of course, my father would take away my bike if he knew about this. But really. OH MAN. That just made my night. Or at least I thought it did.

After I pulled out from the slipstream, I was a few kilometers from home, only had the Clementi Ave 2 flyover to overcome. There I was, finding myself in a familiar spot, climbing up, and then, a truck patiently waited behind.

Being ever so courteous, I mounted a short attack to clear his path, signaled to him with a gesture and as he passed me, he look at me, gave me a thumbs up and drove off. Oh my. What a way to end my night. What a way.

I'm happy.


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