Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Luck. Part II

I never learn my lesson huh?

Alright. It's Wednesday and I was out cycling again as planned.

A shaky start.

A flat tire as I left my house. I changed the tube, pumped it up and rode to Caltex to pump it up to maximum allowable PSI.

Then, again, I was on the road listening to "We'll be a dream" playing on repeat.

I guess it was a smooth ride, usual business, paddle hard stay safe kinda thing. Hit the city again, did my prestigious U-Turn, rode back and told myself to be extra careful.

I was.

Another truck driver however, wasn't.

There I was pulling my own ass down West Coast Highway, and I saw a truck wanting to turn into the Wholesale Centre along the road. Being alert and ever so courteous, I signal with a hand gesture asking him to hold while I prepare to sprint and clear the road.

I thought he saw and understood the gesture. I stood up, push way hard on the pedals and the bike began to pick up speed.

Unfortunately however, the truck did the same thing.

WHAT THE FUCK. It only took the BOTH of us a few seconds to slam HARD on the brakes. But it felt like eternity for both of us to stop. I'm assuming his truck wasn't equipped with Anti-Lock Braking System. I watch his front wheels lock up and skid for a few centimeters. (yea, he was moving quite slowly, errr, duhh, it's a truck accelerating, wad do u expect?)

I slammed hard as well. What a mistake. The rear wheels locked up and the front wheel was so nervous under that immediate braking.

AGAIN. Another close shave. The SINGAPOREAN driver looked genuinely stunned. And I don't blame him. I shared the same look.

(yes, it was a singaporean. But it doesn't really matter what country you come from, it just matters on the INDIVIDUAL driving style. It should be a crime to generalize. Yes, this is a personal message.)

AGAIN. Thankful to be alive. Stunned as usual.

AGAIN. I urge all drivers to be a little more careful?

I totally understand. It's five in the morning, you're feeling groggy. You probably just woke up. But heyy, again, I'm very sure you don't want to hit me as much as I don't want to hit you.


So, after I reached home, cleaned a few stains on the bike. I have to admit, I'm generally pleased with the ride today.

Reached home, checked my phone and sms-es were just waiting to greet me.

Yea guys, it's impossible to reach me after 10pm by the way. I'll be asleep, but fortunately, I'll be awake around 4am on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. Tuesdays and Thurdays I should be up by 7am but my phone will be on at 4am without fail.

Badminton for today is cancelled. Which is good I guess, leaves me more room to recover for soccer later.

And! I've finished reading one of the books I borrowed. It's titled, 'Integrated Design in Contemporary Architecture' by 'Kiel Moe'.

Interesting book. It basically deals with how the design, from the mass, to the layout, to the facade, how every single element in the highlighted buildings were chosen to answer the social call for a greener and more sustainable building.

If I was to pick one building feature in the book, I would have to pick the Museum Of Contemporary Art. Why? Guess you guys will have to read the book to find out.
The renders they publish in the book looks 10 times better then the actual building. Sadly.

But, again. I strongly suggest you guys read this book, and maybe take a look at this particular building, the interior spaces are more stunning then the exterior facade.

Yes. This is the first time I'm recommending a book.


Right, so anyway, thanks for reading my blog. I guess I'll get back to life now.

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