Friday, March 19, 2010


Ahahaha. Fun fun fun fun fun.

Fun fun fun fun fun.

Alice in Wonderland, not a very good movie by the way.

Had a violent struggle taken place?
There was every sign that lead there
Witness found a switchblade on the ground
Was the victim unaware?
They continued to investigate
They found a note in the killer's pocket
It could have been a suicide letter
Maybe he had lost her love


Scorpio is probably the most feared and yet the most revered sign of the zodiac. Most Scorpios would not hurt a fly for they are as gentle, caring, and generous as they can be hard, cruel, and mean. It really depends how they are treated.This is a sign which demands respect and usually gets it. Scorpions are highly sensitive, emotional creators who are so easily hurt that they cannot bear to show their feelings for fear of being ridiculed.Scorpios develop from an early age the ability to control such outer expressions of emotion, and remain dry-eyed. Scorpios do not forgive easily, if even at all, and are capable of holding a grudge for the rest of their lives. Scorpio subjects are hardworking, generous, and very determined. Once they begin a task, they will be dedicated to finishing it.They can become obsessively devoted to a person, a cause, or a project.

Scorpio - Scorpio Compatibility

This double combination of emotions strengthen strong feelings, desires, emotions and passions which both have. So with great desire and purpose they can achieve great things. If not, violent clashes are likely.There is a touch of both the saint and the devil in this combination or union. When two Scorpios get together, they do not beat about the bush. On some enchanted evening, these two will be strangers across a crowded room one minute and off to the nearest bedroom the next,(ahaha, wtf rite, really rite?!) leaving a cloud of steam behind them.They both need extremes of emotion, magical mysteries and inescapable intensity.The energy they emanate may be hidden from sight, but it will be bubbling under the surface, ready to well up and cause a commotion at any moment. They'll protect each other as only fixed signs can do, but the moment one of them betrays the other's trust, then all hell breaks out. Once they've paired up, the Scorpio couple will be hell-bent on holding their relationship together, no matter what calamity comes along. Scorpios are sensationally superstitious and both of these kissing cousins believe in destiny.They will feel that they were destined for each other and that their love was written in the stars.

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